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or serious injury. Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or serious inju- ries. Consult your Toyota dealer about any repairs and modifications.

The front seat belt pretensioner system mainly consists of the following compo- nents and their locations are shown in the illustration. 1. Front airbag sensors 2. Front seat belt pretensioner assemblies 3. Airbag sensor assembly 4. SRS warning light The front seat belt pretensioners are con- trolled by the airbag sensor assembly. The airbag sensor assembly consists of a saf- ing sensor and airbag sensor.

light system monitors

This indicator comes on when the igni- tion key is turned to the “ON” position. It goes off after about 6 seconds. This means the front seat belt pretensioners are operating properly. This warning the airbag sensor assembly, front airbag sen- sors, side airbag sensors, driver’s seat position sensor, driver’s seat belt buckle switch, front seat belt pretensioner assem- blies, inflators, warning light, interconnect- ing wiring and power sources. (For details, see indicators and warning buzzers” on page 85 in Section 1−5.)




2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)



Do not perform any of the following changes without your Toyota dealer. Such changes can interfere with proper operation of the front seat belt pretensioners in some cases. z Installation of electronic devices such as a mobile two−way radio, cassette tape player or compact disc player

z Repairs on or near the front seat

belt retractor assemblies

z Modification of the suspension sys-


z Modification of the front end struc-


z Attachment of a grille guard (bull bar, kangaroo bar, etc.), snowplow, winches or any other equipment to the front end

z Repairs made on or near the front fenders, front end structure or con- sole


conditions occurs,

This front seat belt pretensioner system has a service reminder indicator to inform the driver of operating problems. If any of the this indicates a malfunction of the airbags or pretensioners. Contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible the vehicle. D The light does not come on when the ignition key is turned to the “ON” posi- tion, or the light remains on.

to service

In the following cases, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible: D The front of the vehicle (shaded in the illustration) was involved in an accident that was not severe enough to cause the front seat belt pretensioners to op- erate.

D Either front seat belt pretensioner as- sembly is scratched, cracked, or otherwise dam- aged.




D The light comes on or flashes while


D If either front seat belt does not retract or cannot be pulled out due to a mal- function or activation of the relevant front seat belt pretensioner.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

SRS driver airbag and front passenger airbag

The SRS (Supplemental Restraint Sys- tem) front airbags are designed to pro- vide further protection for the driver and front passenger in addition to the primary safety protection provided by the seat belts. In response to a severe frontal impact, the SRS front airbags work together with the seat belts to help reduce injury by inflating. The SRS front airbags help to reduce injuries mainly to the driver’s or front passenger’s head or chest caused by directly hitting the steering wheel or dash- board. The front passenger airbag is acti- vated even with no passenger in the front seat. Be sure to wear your seat belt properly. 40

Your vehicle is equipped with a crash sensing and diagnostic module, which will record the use of the seat belt restraint system by the driver and front passenger when the SRS airbags are inflated.


The driver or front passenger who is too close to the steering wheel or dashboard during airbag deployment can be killed or seriously injured. Toyota strongly recommends that: D The driver sit as far back as pos- sible from the steering wheel while still maintaining control of the ve- hicle.

D The front passenger sit as far back

as possible from the dashboard.

D All vehicle occupants be properly restrained using the available seat belts.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

light system monitors

This indicator comes on when the igni- tion key is turned to the “ON” position. It goes off after about 6 seconds. This means the SRS front airbags are oper- ating properly. This warning the airbag sensor assembly, front airbag sen- sors, side airbag sensors, driver’s seat position sensor, driver’s seat belt buckle switch, front seat belt pretensioner assem- blies, inflators, warning light, interconnect- ing wiring and power sources. (For details, see indicators and warning buzzers” on page 85 in Section 1−5.)



’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)


However, threshold velocity will be considerably higher if the vehicle strikes an object, such as a parked vehicle or sign pole, which can move or deform on impact, or if it is involved in an underride collision (e.g. a collision in which the nose of the vehicle “underrides”, or goes under, the bed of a truck, etc.). For the safety of all occupants, always wear your seat belts properly.

Collision from the rear

Collision from the side

Vehicle rollover

The SRS front airbags are not designed to inflate if the vehicle is involved in a side or rear collision, if it rolls over, or if it is involved in a low−speed frontal collision.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


The SRS front airbag system is de- signed to activate in response to a se- vere frontal impact within the shaded area between the arrows in the illustra- tion. The SRS front airbags will deploy if the severity of the impact is above the de- signed threshold level, comparable to an approximate 25 km/h (15 mph) collision when impacting straight into a fixed barrier that does not move or deform. If the severity of the impact is below the above threshold level, the SRS front air- bags may not deploy.

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Hitting a curb, edge of pavement or hard material

Falling into or jumping over a deep hole

Landing hard or vehicle falling

The SRS front airbags may deploy if a serious impact occurs to the underside of your vehicle. Some examples are shown in the illustration.

In a severe frontal impact, the sensor de- tects deceleration and the system triggers the airbag inflators. At this time a chemi- cal reaction in the inflators quickly fills the airbags with non−toxic gas to help restrain the forward motion of the occupants. When the airbags inflate, they produce a fairly loud noise and release some smoke and residue along with non−toxic gas. This does not indicate a fire. This gas is nor- mally harmless; however, for those who have delicate skin, it may cause a minor skin irritation. Be sure to wash off any residue as soon as possible to prevent any potential skin irritation. Deployment of the airbags happens in a fraction of a second, so the airbags must inflate with considerable force. While the system is designed to reduce serious inju- ries, it may also cause minor burns or abrasions and swelling. Parts of the airbag module (steering wheel hub, dashboard) may be hot for several minutes, but the airbags themselves will not be hot. The airbags are designed to inflate only once.

The SRS airbag system consists mainly of the following components, and their loca- tions are shown in the illustration. 1. Front airbag sensors 2. Airbag module for front passenger

(airbag and inflator)

3. Driver’s seat belt buckle switch 4. Driver’s seat position sensor 5. Airbag sensor assembly 6. Airbag module for driver

(airbag and inflator)

7. SRS warning light The airbag sensor assembly consists of a safing sensor and airbag sensor.


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

the windshield as

A crash severe enough to inflate the air- bags may break the vehicle buckles. In vehicles with a pas- senger airbag the windshield may also be damaged by absorbing some of the force of the inflating airbag.


D The SRS airbag system is designed only as a supplement to the prima- ry protection of the driver side and front passenger side seat belt sys- tems. The front seat occupants can be killed or seriously injured by the inflating airbags if they do not wear the available seat belts properly. During sudden braking just before a collision, an unrestrained driver or front passenger can move for- ward into direct contact with or close proximity to the airbag which may then deploy during the colli- sion. To ensure maximum protection in an accident, the driver and all passengers the vehicle must wear their seat belts properly. Wear- ing a seat belt properly during an accident reduces the chances of death or serious injury or being thrown out of the vehicle. For in- structions and precautions concern- ing the seat belt system, see “Seat belts” on page 32 in this section.



D Improperly seated and/or restrained infants and children can be killed or seriously injured by the deploy- ing front airbags. An infant or child who is too small to use a seat belt should be properly secured using a child Toyota strongly recommends in- fants and children be placed in the rear seat of the vehicle and proper- ly restrained. The rear seat is the safest for infants and children. For instructions concerning the installa- tion of a child restraint system, see “Child restraint” on page 53 in this section.

that all


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

D On vehicles with side airbags, do not allow the child to lean against the front door or around the front door even if the child is seated in the child restraint system. It is dan- gerous if the side airbags inflate, because impact could cause death or serious injury to the child. the installation of a child restraint sys- tem, see “Child restraint” on page 53 in this section.

instructions concerning

D For


D Never install a rear−facing child re- straint system on the front passen- ger seat because the force of the rapid inflation of the front passen- ger airbag can cause death or seri- ous injury to the child.

Move seat fully back


D A forward−facing child restraint sys- tem should be allowed to be installed on front passenger seat only when it is unavoidable. Always move the seat as far back as possible, because the force of the deploying front passenger air- bag could cause death or serious injury to the child.


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)


D Do not allow a child to stand up or to kneel on front passenger seat, since the front airbag inflates with considerable speed and force. Otherwise, the child may be killed or seriously injured.

D Do not hold a child on your lap or in your arms. Use a child restraint system in the rear seat. For instruc- tions concerning the installation of a child restraint system, see “Child restraint” on page 53 in this sec- tion.

D Do not put objects or your pets on or in front of the dashboard or steering wheel pad that houses the front airbag system. They might re- strict inflation or cause death or serious injury as they are projected rearward by the force of deploying airbags. Likewise, the driver and front passenger should not hold ob- jects their knees.

their arms or on


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)



in use, since

D Do not sit on the edge of the seat lean over the dashboard when or the vehicle the front airbags inflate with consider- able speed and force. Otherwise, you may be killed or seriously in- jured. Sit up straight and well back in the seat, and always use your seat belt properly.

D Do not modify or remove any wir- ing. Do not modify, remove, strike or open any components such as the steering wheel pad, steering wheel, column cover, front passen- ger airbag cover, front passenger airbag or airbag sensor assembly. Doing so may cause sudden SRS front airbag inflation or disable the system, which could result in death or serious injury.

instructions Failure to follow these can result in death or serious injury. Consult your Toyota dealer about any repairs and modifications.

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)



front airbag system

Do not perform any of the following changes without your Toyota dealer. Such changes can interfere with proper operation of the SRS in some cases. z Installation of electronic devices such as a mobile two−way radio, cassette tape player or compact disc player

z Modification of the suspension sys-


z Modification of the front end struc-


z Attachment of a grille guard (bull bar, kangaroo bar, etc.), snowplow, winches or any other equipment to the front end

z Repairs made on or near the front fenders, front end structure, con- sole, steering wheel or dashboard near the front passenger airbag



This SRS front airbag system has a ser- vice reminder indicator to inform the driver of operating problems. If either of the fol- lowing conditions occurs, this indicates a malfunction of the airbags. Contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible to ser- vice the vehicle. D The light does not come on when the ignition key is turned to the “ON” posi- tion, or the light remains on.

D The light comes on while driving.


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

SRS side airbags


Do not disconnect the battery cables before contacting your Toyota dealer.

The SRS (Supplemental Restraint Sys- tem) side airbags are designed to pro- vide further protection for the driver and front passenger in addition to the primary safety protection provided by the seat belts. In response to a severe side impact, the SRS side airbags work together with the seat belts to help reduce injury by inflat- ing. The SRS side airbags help to reduce injuries mainly to the driver’s or front pas- senger’s chest. The SRS side airbag on the passenger seat is activated even with no passenger in the front seat. Be sure to wear your seat belt properly.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


In the following cases, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible: D The SRS front airbags have been in-


D The front of the vehicle (shaded in the illustration) was involved in an accident that was not severe enough to cause the SRS front airbags to inflate.

D The pad section of the steering wheel or cover (shaded in the illustration) is scratched, cracked, or otherwise damaged.




’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Your vehicle is equipped with a crash sensing and diagnostic module, which will record the use of the seat belt restraint system by the driver and front passenger when the SRS side airbags are inflated.


SRS side airbags inflate with consid- erable force. To avoid potential death or serious injury when they inflate, the driver and front passenger must: D Wear their seat belts properly. D Remain properly seated with their back upright and against the seat at all times.

light system monitors

This indicator comes on when the igni- tion key is turned to the “ON” position. It goes off after about 6 seconds. This means the SRS side airbags are operat- ing properly. This warning the airbag sensor assembly, front airbag sen- sors, side airbag sensors, driver’s seat position sensor, driver’s seat belt buckle switch, front seat belt pretensioner assem- blies, inflators, warning light, interconnect- ing wiring and power sources. (For details, see indicators and warning buzzers” on page 85 in Section 1−5.)




2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


The SRS side airbag system may not activate if the vehicle is subjected to a collision the side at certain angles, or a collision to the side of the vehicle body other than the passenger compartment as shown in the illustra- tion. The SRS side airbags are designed to inflate when the passenger compartment area suffers a severe the side. For the safety of all occupants, always wear your seat belts properly.



Collision from the rear

Collision from the front

Vehicle rollover

The SRS side airbags are not designed to inflate if the vehicle is involved in a front or rear collision, if it rolls over, or if it is involved in a low−speed side collision.

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

In a severe side impact, the side airbag sensor triggers the side airbag inflators. At this time a chemical reaction in the inflators quickly fills the airbags with non− toxic gas to help restrain the lateral mo- tion of the occupants. When the airbags inflate, they produce a fairly loud noise and release some smoke and residue along with non−toxic gas. This does not indicate a fire. This gas is nor- mally harmless; however, for those who have delicate skin, it may cause a minor skin irritation. Be sure to wash off any residue as soon as possible to prevent any potential skin irritation. Deployment of the airbags happens in a fraction of a second, so the airbags must inflate with considerable force. While the system is designed to reduce serious inju- ries, it may also cause minor burns or abrasions and swelling. Front seats may be hot for several min- utes, but the airbags themselves will not be hot. The airbags are designed to inflate only once.

The SRS side airbag system consists mainly of the following components, and their locations are shown in the illustra- tion. 1. SRS warning light 2. Side airbag modules

(airbag and inflator) 3. Side airbag sensors 4. Airbag sensor assembly The SRS side airbag system is controlled by the airbag sensor assembly. The airbag sensor assembly consists of a safing sen- sor and airbag sensor.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)


D The SRS side airbag system is de- signed only as a supplement to the primary protection of the driver side and front passenger side seat belt systems. To ensure maximum protection in an accident, the driver and all passengers in the vehicle must wear their seat belts properly. Wearing a seat belt properly during an accident reduces the chances of death or serious injury or being thrown out of the vehicle. For instructions and precautions con- cerning the seat belt system, see “Seat belts” on page 32 in this sec- tion.


D Improperly seated and/or restrained infants and children can be killed or seriously injured by the deploy- ing airbags. An infant or child who is too small to use a seat belt should be properly secured using a child Toyota strongly recommends in- fants and children be placed in the rear seat of the vehicle and proper- ly restrained. The rear seat is the safest for infants and children. For instructions concerning the installa- tion of a child restraint system, see “Child restraint” on page 53 in this section.

that all


if he/she

D Do not allow a child to lean his/her head or any part of his/her body against the front door or the area of the seat from which the side air- bag deploys even is seated in the child restraint system. It is dangerous if the side airbag inflates, and the impact could cause death or serious injury to the child. For the installation of a child restraint sys- tem, see “Child restraint” on page 53 in this section.

instructions concerning


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

D Do not lean against the front door when the vehicle is in use, since the side airbag inflates with consid- erable speed and force. Otherwise, you may be killed or be seriously injured. Spacial care should be tak- en especially when you have a small child in the vehicle.

D Sit up straight and well back in the seat, distributing your weight evenly in the seat. Do not apply excessive weight to the outer side of the front seats on vehicles with side airbags.

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

D Do not use seat accessories which cover the parts where the side air- bags inflate. Such accessories may prevent the side airbags from acti- vating correctly, causing death or serious injury.

D Do not modify or replace the seats or upholstery of front seats with side airbags. Such changes may disable the system or cause the side airbags to inflate accidentally, resulting in death or serious injury. Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or serious injury. Consult your Toyota dealer about any repairs and modifications.



Do not perform any of the following changes without your Toyota dealer. Such changes can interfere with proper operation of the SRS side airbag system in some cases. z Installation of electronic devices such as a mobile two−way radio, cassette tape player or compact disc player

z Modification of the suspension sys-


z Modification of the side structure of

the passenger compartment

z Repairs made on or near the con-

sole or front seat

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


D Do not attach a cup holder or any other device or object on or around the door. When the side airbag in- flates, the cup holder or any other device or object will be thrown with great force or the side airbag may not activate correctly, resulting in injury. Likewise, death or serious the driver and front passenger should not hold objects their arms or on their knees.


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)


Do not disconnect the battery cables before contacting your Toyota dealer.

In the following cases, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible: D The SRS side airbags have been in-


D The portion of the doors (shaded in the illustration) was involved in an accident that was not severe enough to cause the SRS side airbags to inflate.

D The surface of the seats with the side airbag (shaded is scratched, cracked, or otherwise dam- aged.





conditions occurs,

This SRS side airbag system has a service reminder indicator to inform the driver of operating problems. If either of the this indicates a malfunction of the airbags. Contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible to service the vehicle. D The light does not come on when the ignition key is turned to the “ON” posi- tion, or the light remains on.

D The light comes on or flashes while



2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Child restraint— —Child restraint precautions Toyota strongly urges the use of child restraint systems for children small enough to use them. The laws of all 50 states in the U.S.A. and Canada now require the use of a child restraint system. Your vehicle conforms to SAE J1819. If a child is too large for a child restraint system, the child should sit in the rear seat and must be restrained using the vehicle’s seat belt. See “Seat belts” on page 32 for details.


D For effective protection in automo- bile accidents and sudden stops, a child must be properly restrained, using a seat belt or child restraint system depending on the age and size of the child. Holding a child in your arms is not a substitute for a child restraint system. In an acci- dent, the child can be crushed against the windshield, or between you and the vehicle’s interior.

D Toyota strongly urges use of a proper child restraint system which conforms to the size of the child, installed on the rear seat. Accord- ing to accident statistics, the child is safer when properly restrained in the rear seat than in the front seat. D Never install a rear−facing child re- straint system on the front seat. In the event of an accident, the force of the rapid inflation of the airbag can cause death or serious injury if a rear−facing child restraint system is installed on the front seat.

D Unless

it install a straint system on the front seat.

is unavoidable, do not forward−facing child re-


D A forward−facing child restraint sys- to be tem should be allowed front passenger installed on seat only when it is unavoidable. Always move the seat as far back as possible, because the force of the deploying front passenger air- bag could cause death or serious injury to the child.

D On vehicles with side airbags, do not allow the child to lean against the front door or around the front door even if the child is seated in the child restraint system. It is dan- gerous if the side airbags inflate, because impact could cause death or serious injury to the child. D Make sure that you have complied with all installation instructions pro- vided restraint manufacturer and that the system is properly secured.





2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

D After

installing the child restraint system, make sure it is secured in place following the manufacturer’s instructions. If it is not restrained securely, it may cause death or se- rious the event of a sudden stop or accident.

the child




When not using the child restraint system, keep it secured with the seat belt or place it in the trunk or somewhere other than the passenger compartment. This will pre- vent the event of a sudden stop or accident.

injuring passengers




—Child restraint system A child restraint system for a small child or baby must itself be properly restrained on the seat with the lap por- tion of the lap/shoulder belt. You must carefully consult the manufacturer’s instructions which accompany the child restraint system. To provide proper restraint, use a child restraint system following the manufactur- er’s instructions about the appropriate age and size of the child for the child restraint system. Install the child restraint system correctly following the instructions provided by its manufacturer. General directions are also provided under the following illustrations. restraint system should be The child installed on the rear seat. According to accident statistics, the child is safer when properly restrained in the rear seat than in the front seat.


D Never install a rear−facing child re- straint system on the front seat. In the event of an accident, the force of the rapid inflation of the airbag can cause death or serious injury if a rear−facing child restraint system is installed on the front seat.

D Unless

it install a straint system on the front seat.

is unavoidable, do not forward−facing child re-


D A forward−facing child restraint sys- to be tem should be allowed front passenger installed on seat only when it is unavoidable. Always move the seat as far back as possible, because the force of the deploying front passenger air- bag could cause death or serious injury to the child.

D On vehicles with side airbags, do not allow the child to lean against the front door or around the front door even if the child is seated in the child restraint system. It is dan- gerous if the side airbags inflate, because impact could cause death or serious injury to the child.



2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

—Types of child restraint system Child restraint systems are classified into the following 3 types depending on the child’s age and size. (A) Infant seat (B) Convertible seat (C) Booster seat Install the child restraint system following the instructions provided by its manufac- turer. Your vehicle has anchor brackets for se- curing the top strap of a child restraint system. For instructions about how to use the an- chor bracket, see “—Using a top strap” on page 65 in this section. The child restraint lower anchorages ap- proved for your vehicle may also be used. See “—Installation with child restraint low- er anchorages” on page 67 in this section.

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

(A) Infant seat

(C) Booster seat

(B) Convertible seat

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

—Installation with 3−point type seat belt

(A) INFANT SEAT INSTALLATION An infant seat is used in rear−facing position only.


D Never install a rear−facing child re- straint system on the front passen- ger seat because the force of the rapid inflation of the front passen- ger airbag can cause death or seri- ous injury to the child.


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


lock mechanism of

D Do not install a child restraint sys- tem on the rear seat if it interferes with the front seats. This can cause death or serious injury to a child and front passenger in case of a sudden braking or collision.

D If the driver’s seat position does not allow sufficient space for safe the child installation, install re- straint system on the rear right seat.

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)


D After inserting the tab, make sure that the tab and buckle are locked, and the lap and shoulder portions of the belt are not twisted.

D Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in the buckle as this may prevent you from properly latching the tab and buckle.

D If the seat belt does not function it cannot protect your normally, child injury. Contact your Toyota dealer immediately. Do not use the child restraint system until the seat belt is fixed.


1. Run the lap and shoulder belt through or around the infant seat following the instructions provided by its manufactur- er and insert the tab into the buckle taking care not to twist the belt. Keep the lap portion of the belt tight.

2. Fully extend the shoulder belt to put it in the lock mode. When the belt is then retracted even slightly, it cannot be extended.


To hold infant seat securely, make sure the belt is in the lock mode before letting the belt retract.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

3. While pressing the infant seat

firmly against the seat cushion and seatback, let the shoulder belt retract as far as it will go to hold the infant seat secure- ly.


Push and pull the child restraint sys- tem in different directions to make sure the it installation instructions provided by its manufacturer.

is secure. Follow all

4. To remove the infant seat, press the buckle−release button and allow the belt to retract completely. The belt will move to work for an adult or older child passen- ger.

freely again and be ready


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

(B) CONVERTIBLE SEAT INSTALLATION A convertible seat is used in forward− facing or rear−facing position depend- ing on the child’s age and size. When installing, follow the manufacturer’s in- structions about the applicable child’s age and size as well as directions for installing the child restraint system.


D Never install a rear−facing child re- straint system on the front passen- ger seat because the force of the rapid inflation of the front passen- ger airbag can cause death or seri- ous injury to the child.

Move seat fully back


D A forward−facing child restraint sys- tem should be allowed to be installed on front passenger seat only when it is unavoidable. Always move the seat as far back as possible, because the force of the deploying front passenger air- bag could cause death or serious injury to the child.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

D On vehicles with side airbags, do not allow the child to lean against the front door or around the front door even if the child is seated in the child restraint system. It is dan- gerous if the side airbags inflate, because impact could cause death or serious injury to the child.


1. Run the lap and shoulder belt through or around the convertible seat following its the instructions manufacturer and into the buckle taking care not to twist the belt. Keep the lap portion of the belt tight.

provided insert the

by tab


lock mechanism of

D Do not install a child restraint sys- tem on the rear seat if it interferes with the front seats. This can cause death or serious injury to a child and front passenger in case of a sudden braking or collision.

D If the driver’s seat position does not allow sufficient space for safe the child installation, install re- straint system on the rear right seat.


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)


D After inserting the tab, make sure that the tab and buckle are locked, and the lap and shoulder portions of the belt are not twisted.

D Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in the buckle as this may prevent you from properly latching the tab and buckle.

D If the seat belt does not function it cannot protect your normally, child injury. Contact your Toyota dealer immediately. Do not use the child restraint system until the seat belt is fixed.


2. Fully extend the shoulder belt to put it in the lock mode. When the belt is then retracted even slightly, it cannot be extended.

To hold the convertible seat securely, make sure the belt is in the lock mode before letting the belt retract.

3. While pressing

the convertible seat firmly against the seat cushion and seatback, let the shoulder belt retract as far as it will go to hold the convert- ible seat securely.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)


Push and pull the child restraint sys- tem in different directions to make sure the it installation instructions provided by its manufacturer.

is secure. Follow all

4. To remove the convertible seat, press the buckle−release button and allow the belt to retract completely. The belt will move to work for an adult or older child passen- ger.

freely again and be ready

(C) BOOSTER SEAT INSTALLATION A booster seat is used in forward−fac- ing position only.


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

D On vehicles with side airbags, do not allow the child to lean against the front door or around the front door even if the child is seated in the child restraint system. It is dan- gerous if the side airbags inflate, because impact could cause death or serious injury to the child.


Move seat fully back



D A forward−facing child restraint sys- to be tem should be allowed front passenger installed on seat only when it is unavoidable. Always move the seat as far back as possible, because the force of the deploying front passenger air- bag could cause death or serious injury to the child.

1. Sit the child on a booster seat. Run the lap and shoulder belt through or around the booster seat and child fol- lowing the instructions provided by its manufacturer and into the buckle taking care not to twist the belt.




Make sure the shoulder belt is correctly across the child’s shoulder and that the lap belt is positioned as low as possible on child’s hips. See “Seat belts” on page 32 for details.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

D If the seat belt does not function normally, it cannot protect your child injury. Contact your Toyota dealer immediately. Do not use the child restraint system until the seat belt is fixed.


2. To remove the booster seat, press the the

buckle−release button and allow belt to retract.


D Always make sure the shoulder belt is positioned across the center of child’s shoulder. The belt should be kept away from child’s neck, but not falling off child’s shoulder. Fail- ure the amount of protection in an accident and cause serious injuries in a col- lision.

to do so could reduce

D Both high−positioned lap belts and loose−fitting belts could cause seri- ous injuries due to sliding under the lap belt during a collision or other unintended result. Keep the lap belt positioned as low on a child’s hips as possible.

D For child’s safety, do not place the

shoulder belt under child’s arm.

D After inserting the tab, make sure that the tab and buckle are locked, and the lap and shoulder portions of the belt are not twisted.

D Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in the buckle as this may prevent your child from properly latching the tab and buckle.


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

—Using a top strap


Anchor brackets

Follow the procedure below for a child restraint system that requires the use of a top strap.

Use the anchor bracket on the package tray behind the rear seat to attach the top strap. Anchor brackets are rear seating position. This symbol indicates the location of the anchor brackets.

for each


TO USE THE ANCHOR BRACKET: 1. Outside anchor brackets only—

Remove the head restraint.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

2. Open the lid of the anchor bracket.

3. Securely


the child restraint

system with the seat belt. Latch bracket and tighten the top strap.

the hook onto

the anchor

4. Outside anchor brackets only—

Replace the head restraint.


For the child re- straint system, see “Child restraint” on page 53 in this section.




Make sure the top strap is securely latched, and check that the child re- straint system is secure by pushing and pulling it in different directions. Follow all the installation instructions provided by its manufacturer.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

—Installation with child restraint lower anchorages

for child restraint Lower anchorages systems complying with FMVSS225
specifications are installed in the rear seat. The anchorages are installed in the clear- ance between the seat cushion and seat- back of both outside rear seats. Child restraint systems complying with FMVSS225 specifications can be fixed to these anchorages. In this case, it is not necessary to fix the child restraint system with a seat belt.

Type A

Type B

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)



Tilt steering wheel

D When using the lower anchorages for the child restraint system, be sure that there are no irregular ob- jects around the anchorages and that the seat belt is not caught.

in different directions

D Push and pull the child restraint system to make sure it is secure. Follow all the instructions pro- vided by its manufacturer.



lock mechanism of

D Do not install a child restraint sys- tem on the rear seat if it interferes with the front seats. This can cause death or serious injury to a child and front passenger in case of a sudden braking or collision.

To change the steering wheel angle, hold the steering wheel, push down the lock the steering wheel to the desired angle and return the lever to its original position.






the the clearance between seat cushion and seatback a little and confirm the position of the low- er anchorages near the tag on the seatback.

2. Latch the hooks of lower straps onto the anchorages and tighten the lower straps. Type B— 1. Widen

the the clearance between seat cushion and seatback a little and confirm the position of the low- er anchorages near the tag on the seatback.

2. Latch the buckles onto the anchor-


it should be anchored. (For

If your child restraint system has a top strap, the installation of the top strap, see “—Using a top strap” on page 65 in this section.) For the installation details, refer to the in- struction manual equipped with each prod- uct.


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


D Do not adjust the steering wheel while the vehicle is moving. It may cause the driver to mishandle the vehicle and an accident may occur resulting in death or serious inju- ries.

D After adjusting the steering wheel, try moving it up and down to make sure it is locked in position.

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Outside rear view mirrors—


Do not adjust the mirror while the vehicle is moving. Doing so may cause the driver to mishandle the ve- hicle and an accident may occur re- sulting in death or serious injuries.


The outside rear view mirrors are fixed in place. Do not try to fold the mirrors. It may damage the mirrors.

Adjust the mirror so that you can just see the side of your vehicle in the mir- ror. Be careful when judging the size or dis- tance of any object seen in the outside rear view mirror on the passenger’s side. It is a convex mirror with a curved sur- face. Any object seen in a convex mirror will look smaller and farther away than when seen in a flat mirror.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

—Power rear view mirror control

Anti−glare inside rear view mirror


If ice should jam the mirror, do not operate the control or scrape the mir- ror face. Use a spray de−icer to free the mirror.

To adjust a mirror, use the switches. 1. Master switch—To select the mirror to

the switch to “L” (left) or “R”

be adjusted Push (right). 2. Control

switch—To move

ror P ush direction.

the switch


the mir- the desired

Mirrors can be adjusted when the key is in the “ACC” or “ON” position.


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

Adjust the mirror so that you can just see the rear of your vehicle in the mir- ror. To reduce glare from the headlights of the vehicle behind you during night driving, operate the lever on the lower edge of the mirror. Daylight driving—Lever at position 1
The reflection in the mirror has greater clarity at this position. Night driving—Lever at position 2
Remember that by reducing glare you also lose some rear view clarity.

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Auto anti−glare inside rear view mirror


Do not adjust the mirror while the vehicle is moving. Doing so may cause the driver to mishandle the ve- hicle and an accident may occur re- sulting in death or serious injuries.

Adjust the mirror so that you can just see the rear of your vehicle in the mir- ror. This mirror is equipped with auto anti− glare function. The function is designed to reduce glare from the headlights of the vehicle behind you during night driving. When inserted and turned on, the inside rear view mirror al- ways turns on in the automatic function mode. The indicator illuminates to show you that the function is on.

ignition key



” switch.

to reduce

In automatic function mode, if the mirror detects light from the headlights of the the mirror surface vehicle behind you, darkens slightly the reflected light. To turn off the automatic function, push the “ To turn on the automatic function again, push the “ Adjust it before driving so that the rear view is in the best condition. When the inside air temperature is low, it may take a little longer for the mirror to darken the detection of headlights.

in response

” switch.



Do not adjust the mirror while the vehicle is moving. Doing so may cause the driver to mishandle the ve- hicle and an accident may occur re- sulting in death or serious injuries.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Vanity mirrors

Driver’s side only—To use the vanity mirror, open the cover.

To ensure correct functioning of an anti−glare mirror sensor located on the back side of the mirror, do not touch or cover the sensor with your finger or a piece of cloth, etc.

Driver’s side


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

Front passenger’s side

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)


OPERATION OF INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Lights, Wipers and Defogger Headlights and turn signals Emergency flashers Front fog lights Interior/instrument panel light controlol Personal lights Windshield wipers and washer Rear window defogger

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Headlights and turn signals


To prevent the battery from being dis- charged, do not leave the lights on for a long period when the engine is not running.


license plate,

HEADLIGHTS To turn on the following lights: Twist the headlight/turn signal lever knob. Position 1—Parking, side marker and instrument panel lights Position 2—Headlights and all of above Light reminder buzzer A buzzer will remind you to turn the lights off when the driver’s door is opened if you remove the key with the headlight switch on.



2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

Daytime running light system (for U.S.A.) Daytime running light system can make it easier for others to see the front of your vehicle during the day. This system can be helpful in many different driving condi- tions, but they can be especially helpful in the short periods after dawn and before sunset. This system will make your headlights come on at a reduced brightness when: D The engine is running. D The parking brake is released. D The headlight/turn signal lever knob is

in the “OFF” position.

to full intensity

To turn on the other exterior lights and instrument panel lights, twist the knob to the position 1. Twist the knob to the position 2 to turn the headlights for night driving. The headlights automatically switch to full the or reduced darkness of the daytime running light system is activated. Also, the other exterior lights and instru- ment panel lights automatically turn on or off.

intensity depending on the surroundings when

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Daytime running light system (for Canada) Daytime running light system can make it easier for others to see the front of your vehicle during the day. This system can be helpful in many different driving condi- tions, but they can be especially helpful in the short periods after dawn and before sunset. This system will make your headlights come on at a reduced brightness when: D The engine is running. D The parking brake is released. D The headlight/turn signal lever knob is

in the “OFF” position or position 1.

To turn on the other exterior lights and instrument panel lights, twist the knob to the position 1. Twist the knob to the position 2 to turn the headlights for night driving.

to full intensity

The daytime running light control sensor is on the top of the driver’s side instru- ment panel. Do not place anything on the instrument panel, and/or do not affix anything on the windshield to block this sensor.

High−Low beams—For high beams, turn the headlights on and push the lever away from you (position 1). Pull the lever to- ward you (position 2) for low beams. The headlight high beam light indicator (blue light) on the instrument panel will tell you that the high beams are on. Flashing the high beam headlights (position 3)—Pull the way back. The high beam headlights turn off when you release the lever. You can flash the high beam headlights with the knob turned to “OFF”.

the lever all

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Emergency flashers


To prevent the battery from being dis- charged, do not leave the switch on longer than necessary when the en- gine is not running.

TURN SIGNALS To signal a turn, push the headlight/ turn signal lever up or down to position 1. The key must be in the “ON” position. The lever automatically returns after you make a turn, but you may have to return it by hand after you change lanes. To signal a lane change, move the lever up or down to the pressure point (position 2) and hold it. If the turn signal indicator lights (green lights) on the instrument panel flash faster than normal, a front or rear turn signal bulb is burned out. See “Replacing light bulbs” on page 225 in Section 7−3. 76


turn on

the emergency

To push the switch. All the turn signal lights will flash. To turn them off, push the switch once again. Turn on the emergency flashers to warn other drivers if your vehicle must be stopped where it might be a traffic hazard. Always pull as far off the road as pos- sible. The turn signal light switch will not work when the emergency flashers are operat- ing.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Front fog lights

Interior/instrument panel light control



To turn on the front fog lights, twist the band of the headlight/turn signal lever. They will come on only when the headlights are on low beam.


light dial has

INTERIOR LIGHT To turn on the interior light, turn the dial. The positions: OFF—Turns the light off. ON—Keeps the light on all the time. DOOR—Turns the light on when any of the doors is opened. The light goes off when all the doors are closed.

the following

Illuminated entry system With the dial in the DOOR position, the light comes on when any door is opened. After all the doors are closed, the light remains on for about 15 seconds and then goes out. However, in the following cases, the light goes out immediately: D All the doors are closed when the igni- tion key is in “ACC” or “ON” position. D The ignition key is turned to “ACC” or

“ON” after all the doors are closed.

D All the doors are locked when the light

is still on.

When any door is unlocked with the key or wireless remote control transmitter, the light comes on for 15 seconds, even if the door is not opened. To prevent the battery being discharged, the lights will automatically turn off when the key is removed and the door is left opened with the dial in the DOOR position for 20 minutes or more.

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)


’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Personal lights

INSTRUMENT PANEL LIGHT To adjust the brightness of the instru- ment panel lights, turn the dial.

Type A

Type C

To turn on the personal light, push the switch. To turn it off, push the switch once again.


2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)

Type B

’03 Corolla U (L/O 0201)

Windshield wipers and washer

Rear window defogger




interval adjuster: The

With “INT TIME” band lets you adjust the wiping time inter- val when the wiper lever is in the intermit- tent position (position 1). Twist the band upward time between sweeps, and downward to decrease it. To squirt washer fluid, pull the lever toward you. If the windshield wipers are off, they will operate a couple of times after the washer squirts. For instructions on adding washer fluid, see “Adding washer fluid” on page 225 in Section 7−3. In freezing weather, warm the windshield with the defroster before using the washer. This will help prevent fluid from freezing on your windshield, which can block your vision.

the washer


Do not operate the wipers if the wind- shield the glass.

It may scratch

is dry.

To turn on the windshield wipers, move the lever to the desired setting. The key must be in the “ON” position.

Lever position

Speed setting

Position 1

Position 2

Position 3




For a single sweep of push the lever up and release it.

the windshield,

To defog or defrost the rear window, push the switch. The key must be in the “ON” position. The thin heater wires on the inside of the rear window will quickly clear the sur- faces. An indicator light will illuminate to indicate the defogger is operating. Push the switch once again to turn the defogger off. The system will automatically shut off af- ter the defogger has operated about 15

2003 MY COROLLA_U (OM12744U)
