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6-3. Initialization Items to initialize

The following items must be initialized for normal system operation in cases such as after the battery is reconnected, or maintenance is performed on the vehicle.


When to initialize


Power back door

Tire pressure warning system

• After reconnecting or changing the battery • After changing a fuse • When changing the tire inflation pressure by changing traveling speed or towing trailer, etc.

P. 57

P. 455


Reporting safety defects for U.S. owners

If you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to notifying Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. (Toll-free: 1-800-331-4331). If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA can- not become involved in individual problems between you, your dealer, or Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. To contact NHTSA, you may call the Vehicle Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY: 1-800-424-9153); go to; or write to: Administrator, NHTSA, 1200 New Jersey Ave, S.E., Washington, DC 20590. You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from


Seat belt instructions for Canadian owners (in French)

The following is a French explanation of seat belt instructions extracted from the seat belt section in this manual. See the seat belt section for more detailed seat belt instructions in English.

Utilisation correcte des ceintures de sécurité


● Tendez la sangle diagonale de sorte couvre complètement l'épaule, sans entrer en contact avec le cou ou glisser de l'épaule.

● Placez la sangle abdominale le plus bas possible sur les hanches.

● Réglez la position du dossier de siège. Asseyez-vous le dos le plus droit possible et calez- vous bien dans le siège.

● Ne vrillez pas la ceinture de



Entretien et soin

■ Ceintures de sécurité

Nettoyez avec un chiffon ou une éponge humectée d'eau savonneuse tiède. Profitez de l'occasion pour vérifier régulièrement que les ceintures ne sont pas effilochées, entaillées, ou ne paraissent pas exagérément usées.


■ Détérioration et usure des ceintures de sécurité

Inspectez les ceintures de sécurité périodiquement. Contrôlez qu'elles ne sont pas entaillées, effilochées, et que leurs ancrages ne sont pas desserrés. N'utilisez pas une ceinture de sécurité défectueuse avant qu'elle ne soit remplacée. Une ceinture de sécurité défectueuse n'apporte aucune garantie de protection de l'occupant en cas d'accident.


SRS airbag instructions for Canadian owners (in French)

The following is a French explanation of SRS airbag instructions

extracted from the SRS airbag section in this manual.

See the SRS airbag section for more detailed SRS airbag instruc-

tions in English.

Sacs de sécurité gonflables frontaux Sac de sécurité gonflable conducteur/sac de sécurité gonflable passager avant Participent à la protection de la tête et du thorax du conducteur et du passager contre les chocs avec les éléments de l'habitacle. Sac de sécurité gonflable de genoux conducteur Contribue à accroître la protection du conducteur.


Sacs de sécurité gonflables latéraux et rideau Sacs de sécurité gonflables latéraux Participent à la protection du thorax des occupants des sièges avant. Sacs de sécurité gonflables rideau Participent principalement à la protection de la tête des occupants assis dans les sièges des places extérieures.


Composition du système de sacs de sécurité gonflables


Témoin d'alerte SRS Sac de sécurité gonflable conducteur Capteur de la position du siège conducteur Contacteur de boucle de ceinture sécurité conducteur Sac de sécurité gonflable genoux conducteur Boîtier électronique de sacs de sécurité gonflables Système de détection du passager (calculateur électronique et capteurs)

Sacs de sécurité gonflables rideau Sacs de sécurité gonflables latéraux Sac de sécurité gonflable passager avant Capteurs de sacs de sécurité gonflables latéraux et rideau Capteurs de porte Capteurs de sacs de sécurité gonflables frontaux Contacteur de boucle de ceinture de sécurité passager avant Capteurs de sécurité gonflables rideau Témoins indicateurs “AIR BAG ON” et “AIR BAG OFF”

sacs de


Votre véhicule est équipé de SACS DE SÉCURITÉ GONFLABLES INTELLIGENTS (ADVANCED AIRBAGS) conçus selon les normes de sécurité américaines applicables aux véhicules à moteur (FMVSS208). Le système de sacs de sécurité gonflables régule la puissance de déploiement des sacs de sécurité gonflables conducteur et passager avant. Le système de sac de sécurité gonflable conducteur se compose d'un capteur de position de siège conducteur, etc. Le système de sac de sécurité gonflable passager avant se compose d'un capteur de classification des occupants du siège passager avant, etc..

Les principaux éléments du système de sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS sont illustrés ci-dessus. Le système des sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS est commandé par un boîtier électronique. Ce boîtier intègre un capteur de sécurité et un capteur de sac de sécurité gonflable.

Lorsque la violence du choc frontal ou latéral l'exige, le système de sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS déclenche les dispositifs pyrotechniques de gonflage (générateurs de gaz). Le déploiement rapide des sacs de sécurité gonflables est obtenu au moyen d'une réaction chimique dans les dispositifs pyrotechniques, qui produit un gaz inoffensif permettant d'amortir le mouvement des occupants.



■ Précautions avec les sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS

Respectez les précautions suivantes avec les sacs de sécurité gonflables. À défaut, des blessures graves, voire mortelles, pourraient s'ensuivre. ●Le conducteur et tous les passagers à bord du véhicule doivent porter leur

ceinture de sécurité correctement. Les sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS sont des dispositifs de protection complémentaires aux ceintures de sécurité.

●Le sac de sécurité gonflable SRS conducteur se déploie avec une violence considérable, qui peut être très dangereuse voire mortelle si le conducteur se trouve très près du sac de sécurité gonflable. L'autorité fédérale chargée de la sécurité routière aux États-Unis, la NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) conseille:

Sachant que la zone de danger pour le sac de sécurité gonflable conducteur se trouve dans les premiers 2 à 3 in. (50 - 75 mm) de déploiement, vous disposez d'une marge de sécurité confortable en vous plaçant à 10 in. (250
mm) de votre sac de sécurité gonflable conducteur. Cette distance est à mesurer entre le moyeu du volant de direction et le sternum. Si vous êtes actuellement assis à moins de 10 in. (250 mm), vous pouvez changer votre position de conduite de différentes façons:

• Reculez votre siège le plus possible, tout en continuant à pouvoir

atteindre confortablement les pédales.

• Inclinez légèrement le dossier du siège.

Bien que les véhicules puissent être différents les uns des autres, la plupart des conducteurs peuvent s'asseoir à une distance de 10 in. (250 mm), même avec le siège conducteur complètement avancé, simplement en inclinant un peu le dossier de siège. Si vous avez des difficultés à voir la route après avoir incliné votre siège, utilisez un coussin ferme et antidérapant pour vous rehausser ou, si votre véhicule est équipé du réglage en hauteur du siège, remontez-le.

• Si votre volant de direction est réglable, inclinez-le vers le bas. Cela a pour effet d'orienter le sac de sécurité gonflable en direction de votre poitrine plutôt que de votre tête et de votre cou.

Réglez votre siège selon ces recommandations de la NHTSA, tout en conservant le contrôle des pédales, du volant de direction et la vue des commandes du tableau de bord.



■ Précautions avec les sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS

●Si vous attachez une rallonge de ceinture de sécurité à la boucle du siège conducteur, mais pas à la ceinture de sécurité proprement dite, le système de sac de sécurité gonflable SRS conducteur pense que vous avez attaché votre ceinture de sécurité, alors qu'en fait c'est faux. Dans ce cas, il se peut que le sac de sécurité gonflable conducteur pas correctement en cas d'accident, et vous risquez d'être tué ou grièvement blessé. Veillez donc à porter la ceinture de sécurité avec la rallonge de ceinture de sécurité.




●Le sac de sécurité gonflable SRS passager avant se déploie également avec une violence considérable, qui peut être très dangereuse voire mortelle si le passager avant se trouve très près du sac de sécurité gonflable. Éloignez le siège passager avant au maximum du sac de sécurité gonflable, et réglez le dossier de siège de sorte à être assis bien droit dans le siège.

●Les nourrissons et les enfants qui ne sont pas correctement assis et/ou protégés peuvent être grièvement blessés ou tués par le déploiement d'un sac de sécurité gonflable. Installez dans un siège de sécurité enfant les enfants trop jeunes pour pouvoir utiliser la ceinture de sécurité. Toyota recommande vivement que les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants soient installés sur le siège arrière du véhicule et convenablement attachés. C'est à l'arrière que les nourrissons et les enfants sont les mieux protégés. ●N'installez jamais un siège de sécurité enfant type dos à la route sur le

siège passager avant, même si le témoin “AIR BAG OFF” est allumé. En cas d'accident, par la violence et la vitesse de son déploiement, le sac de sécurité gonflable passager avant peut blesser grièvement, voire tuer l'enfant si vous l'avez installé à la place du passager avant dans un siège de sécurité enfant type dos à la route.



■ Précautions avec les sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS

●Ne pas s'asseoir sur le bord du siège et ne pas s'appuyer contre la planche de bord.

●Ne laissez pas un enfant rester debout devant le sac de sécurité gonflable SRS passager avant ou bien s'asseoir sur les genoux du passager avant.

●Ne conduisez pas le véhicule avec quelque chose sur les genoux, et n'autorisez pas non plus le passager à voyager avec quelque chose sur les genoux.

●Ne vous appuyez pas contre la porte, contre le rail latéral de toit ou contre les montants avant, latéraux et arrière.

●Interdisez à quiconque de s'agenouiller sur le siège passager en appui contre la porte ou de sortir la tête ou les mains à l'extérieur du véhicule.



■ Précautions avec les sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS

●Ne rien fixer ou disposer sur le tableau de bord, la garniture centrale du moyeu de volant de direction ou la partie inférieure de la planche de bord. Au déploiement des sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS conducteur, passager avant et genoux, tout objet risque de se transformer en projectile.

●Ne fixez aucun objet sur les portes, la vitre de pare-brise, les vitres latérales, les montants avant et arrière, le rail latéral de toit et la poignée de maintien.


suspendez aux

crochets à vêtements aucun cintre nu ni aucun objet dur. En cas de déploiement du sac de sécurité gonflable SRS rideau, ces objets peuvent se transformer en projectiles capables de vous blesser grièvement, voire de vous tuer.


●Véhicules sans système d'accès et de démarrage libres”: Évitez d'attacher au porte-clés de la clé des objets lourds, pointus ou très durs. Ces objets le déploiement du sac de sécurité gonflable SRS de genoux ou d'être projetés vers le siège conducteur par la force de déploiement, constituant ainsi un danger potentiel.



●Si le cache en vinyle recouvre la partie où le sac de sécurité gonflable

SRS de genoux se déploie, veillez à l'enlever.

●N'utilisez aucun accessoire de siège venant recouvrir les zones de déploiement des sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS latéraux, car il risquerait d'en gêner le déploiement.



■ Précautions avec les sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS

●Évitez de faire subir des chocs ou des pressions excessives aux zones

renfermant les composants des sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS ((cid:111)P. 593). En effet, cela pourrait entraîner un fonctionnement anormal des sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS.

●Ne touchez aucun composant du système immédiatement après le déclenchement (déploiement) des sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS, car ils sont alors encore très chauds.

●Si vous avez des difficultés à respirer après le déploiement d'un sac de sécurité gonflable SRS, ouvrez une porte ou une vitre pour faire entrer de l'air frais, ou bien descendez du véhicule si cela ne présente pas de danger. Essuyez tout résidu dès que possible afin d'éviter d'éventuelles irritations de la peau.

●Si les parties renfermant les sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS, telles que la garniture du moyeu de volant et les garnitures de montants avant et arrière, apparaissent abîmées ou craquelées, faites-les remplacer par votre concessionnaire Toyota.



■ Modification et mise au rebut des éléments du système de sacs de

sécurité gonflables SRS

Consultez impérativement votre concessionnaire Toyota si vous avez besoin d'intervenir sur votre véhicule ou de procéder à l'une des modifications suivantes. Les sacs de sécurité gonflables SRS risquent de ne pas fonctionner correctement ou de se déployer (gonfler) accidentellement, provoquant ainsi des blessures graves, voire mortelles. ●Installation, dépose, démontage et réparations des sacs de sécurité

gonflables SRS.

●Réparation, modification, dépose ou remplacement du volant, du combiné d'instruments, du tableau de bord, des sièges ou de leur sellerie, des montants avant, latéraux et arrière ou des rails latéraux de toit.

●Réparations ou modifications de l'aile avant, du bouclier avant, ou du côté

de l'habitacle.

●Installation de chasse-neige, de treuils, etc. sur la calandre (pare-buffle,

pare-kangourou, etc.).

●Modifications des suspensions du véhicule. ●Installation d'appareils électroniques tels que radio émetteur/récepteur ou

lecteurs CD.

●Aménagements apportés au véhicule pour une personne atteinte d'un

handicap physique.


Alphabetical index Alphabetical index

A/C.................... 248, 255, 263, 266
ABS........................................... 211
Active head restraints............... 72
Air conditioning filter.............. 470
Air conditioning system

Air conditioning filter............. 470
Front automatic air

conditioning system ........... 255

Front manual air

conditioning system ........... 248

Rear automatic air

conditioning system ........... 266

Rear manual air

conditioning system ........... 263


Airbag operating

conditions........................... 123

Airbag precautions for your

child.................................... 127
Airbag warning light.............. 509
Curtain shield airbag

operating conditions........... 123

Curtain shield airbag

precautions ........................ 127

Front passenger occupant

classification system .......... 132

General airbag

precautions ........................ 127
Locations of airbags ............. 120
Modification and disposal

of airbags ........................... 131

Proper driving

posture....................... 118, 127

Side airbag operating

conditions........................... 123
Side airbag precautions........ 127
SRS airbags ......................... 120

Anti-lock brake system............211
Armrest .....................................399
Audio input...............................319
Audio system

Audio input ............................319
AUX port................................319
CD player/changer ................284
MP3/WMA disc......................292
Optimal use...........................315
Portable music player............319
Steering wheel audio

Type ......................................273
USB memory.........................307

Automatic light control system ....................................196
Automatic transmission..........173
AUX port ...................................319
Auxiliary box ........................... 385


Alphabetical index

Back-up lights


Replacing light bulbs.............487

Back door

Back door................................57
Smart key system....................33
Wireless remote control ..........46


Checking ...............................450
If the vehicle has a

discharged battery ..............540

Preparing and checking

before winter.......................231
Bluetooth® audio .....................344
Bluetooth® phone ....................340
Bottle holder.............................384
Brake assist..............................211

Fluid ......................................449
Parking brake........................179
Break-in tips .............................157
Brightness control

Instrument panel light



Seat belts..............................422
Cargo capacity.........................230
Cargo hooks.............................401
CD changer...............................284
CD player..................................284
Child restraint system

Booster seats, definition........139
Booster seats, installation.....144
Convertible seats,

definition .............................139

Convertible seats,


Front passenger occupant

classification system...........132
Infant seats, definition...........139
Infant seats, installation ........144
Installing CRS with a top

tether straps........................151

Installing CRS with LATCH


Installing CRS with seat


Child safety

Airbag precautions................127
Battery precautions.......452, 543
Child restraint system ...........139
How your child should wear

the seat belt..........................88
Installing child restraints........144
Moon roof precautions ..........104
Power window lock switch ......98
Power window precautions .....99
Removed key battery


Seat belt extender

Seat belt precautions ..............88
Seat heater precautions........398

Child-protectors ........................ 54

Exterior................................. 418
Interior .................................. 421
Seat belts ............................. 422
Clock ................................ 187, 391
Compass.................................. 412
Condenser ............................... 448
Console box............................. 378
Conversation mirror................ 392
Cooling system

Engine overheating .............. 544
Cruise control.......................... 204
Cup holders ............................. 380
Curtain shield airbags ............ 120
Customizable features............ 582

Alphabetical index

Daytime running light system ....................................198

Rear window .........................269
Side mirrors...........................269
Dinghy towing ..........................245

Trip information .....................187
Warning message .................519
Do-it-yourself maintenance.....430
Door courtesy lights

Door courtesy lights ..............373


Door lock.....................33, 46, 52
Door windows..........................98
Side mirrors.............................95

Downhill assist control system ....................................218
Driver's seat belt reminder light.........................................511

Break-in tips ..........................157
Correct posture .....................118
Winter driving tips..................231



Compartment ........................440
Engine switch................166, 170
Hood .....................................434
How to start the

engine.........................166, 170
Identification number.............553
If the engine will not start ......534
Ignition switch ...............166, 170
Overheating ..........................544
Engine compartment cover ....442
Engine coolant

Preparing and checking

before winter.......................231

Engine coolant temperature gauge......................................181
Engine immobilizer system ....110
Engine oil

Preparing and checking

before winter.......................231

Engine oil maintenance data.........................................445
Enhanced vehicle stability control ....................................211
Enhanced VSC .........................211
Event data recorder.................506

Alphabetical index

Electric power steering ...........211
Electronic key

If your electronic key

battery is discharged...........538

Emergency flashers


Emergency, in case of

If a warning message is


If the back door opener is

inoperative ............................60

If the electronic key does

not operate properly............538
If the engine will not start ......534
If the shift lever cannot be

shifted from P......................536

If the vehicle has a

discharged battery ..............540

If the warning buzzer

sounds... ............................508

If the warning light turns

If you have a flat tire .............520
If you lose your keys/

wireless remote control transmitter...........................537

If you think something is


If your vehicle becomes

stuck ...................................547

If your vehicle has to be

stopped in an emergency..........................549

If your vehicle needs to be

towed ..................................497
If your vehicle overheats .......544



Floor mat.................................. 400

Brake.................................... 449
Washer................................. 454

Fog lights

Replacing light bulbs ............ 487
Switch................................... 200
Wattage................................ 566

Front automatic air conditioning system............. 255
Front fog lights

Replacing light bulbs ............ 487
Switch................................... 200
Wattage................................ 566

Front manual air conditioning system............. 248
Front passenger occupant classification system............ 132
Front passenger's seat belt reminder light........................ 511
Front seats

Adjustment ............................. 71

Front side marker lights

Replacing light bulbs ............ 487
Switch................................... 196
Wattage................................ 566

Front turn signal lights

Replacing light bulbs ............ 487
Wattage................................ 566


Capacity ............................... 555
Fuel gauge ........................... 181
Fuel pump shut off system ... 505
Gas station information ........ 616
Information ........................... 567
Refueling .............................. 106
Type ..................................... 555
Fuel door.................................. 106
Fuel filler door ......................... 106
Fuel pump shut off system .... 505
Fuses........................................ 476

Alphabetical index

Garage door opener.................406
Gas station information...........616
Glove box..................................377
Grocery bag hooks ..................401

Hands-free system (for cellular phone)................340
Hazard lights switch ................496
Head restraints

Active head restraints..............72
Adjusting ................................82


Replacing light bulbs.............487


Seat heaters..........................397
Side mirror.............................269

Cargo hook............................401
Shopping bag........................401

I/M test.......................................429

Vehicle ..................................553
Ignition switch..................166, 170
Illuminated entry system.........373
Indicator lights .........................183

Items to initialize....................586
Inside rear view mirror ..............92
Instrument panel light control ....................................182
Interior lights

Interior lights..........................373
Switch............................374, 375


Alphabetical index


Positioning a floor jack ..........436
Vehicle-equipped jack...........520
Jack handle ..............................520

Keyless entry..............................46

Electronic key..........................30
Engine switch................166, 170
If the electronic key does

not operate properly............538

If you lose your keys/

wireless remote control transmitter...........................537
Ignition switch................166, 170
Key number.............................30
Keyless entry...........................46
Keys ........................................30
Mechanical key .......................30
Wireless remote control

key ........................................46

License plate lights

Replacing light bulbs.............487

Light bulbs

Replacing ..............................487


Door courtesy lights ..............373
Emergency flasher switch .....496
Fog light switch .....................200
Hazard light switch................496
Headlight switch....................196
Interior light switch ........374, 375
Outer foot lights.....................373
Personal light switch .............374
Replacing light bulbs.............487
Turn signal lever....................178
Vanity lights...........................390


Load capacity...........................230
Lock steering column......168, 171
Luggage cover .........................402



General maintenance............426
Maintenance data .................552
Maintenance requirements ...424


Instrument panel light



Conversation mirror ..............392
Inside rear view mirror ............92
Side mirror heaters ...............269
Side mirrors.............................95
Vanity mirrors........................390
Moon roof .................................101
MP3 disc ...................................292
Multi-information display....................................187

Noise from under vehicle..........24

Off-road precautions ...............221

Engine oil ..............................442


Back door................................57
Fuel filler door .......................106
Glass hatch.............................67
Hood .....................................434

Outside rear view mirrors

Adjusting and folding...............95

Outside temperature display....................................187
Overhead console....................379
Overheating, Engine................544

Alphabetical index

Parking brake .......................... 179
Parking lights

Replacing light bulbs ............ 487
Switch................................... 196
Wattage................................ 566

Personal/interior lights

Switch................................... 374
Wattage................................ 566
Power outlet............................. 393
Power windows ......................... 98


Fuses ....................................476
Key battery............................473
Light bulbs.............................487
Tires ......................................520

Reporting safety defects for U.S. owners............................588
Roof luggage carrier................229

Seat belts

Radiator.................................... 448
Radio ........................................ 277
Rear automatic air conditioning system............. 266
Rear manual air conditioning system ................................... 263
Rear seat

Adjustment ............................. 74
Folding down second

seatback............................... 75

Folding down third

seatback............................... 77

Removing the second

center seat ........................... 78

Stowing the second

center seat ........................... 78

Rear seat entertainment system* Rear turn signal lights

Replacing light bulbs ............ 487
Wattage................................ 566

Rear view mirror

Compass .............................. 412
Rear view monitor system...... 207
Rear window defogger............ 269
Rear window wiper.................. 203

Adjusting the seat belt.............85
Automatic Locking


Child restraint system


Cleaning and maintaining

the seat belts ......................422

Emergency Locking

How to wear your seat belt......85
How your child should wear

the seat belt ..........................88

Pregnant women,

proper seat belt use..............87
Reminder light.......................511
Seat belt extenders .................88
Seat belt pretensioners ...........86
Seat heaters..............................397
Seating capacity.......................230

Adjustment ........................71, 74
Adjustment precaution ......73, 81
Child seats/child restraint

system installation ..............144
Head restraint..........................82
Properly sitting in the seat.....118
Seat heaters..........................397

*: Refer to the “Navigation System Owner’s Manual” 609

Alphabetical index

Service reminder indicators ..............................183
Shift lever

Automatic transmission.........173
If the shift lever cannot

be shifted from P.................536
Shift lock system .....................536
Shopping bag hooks ...............401
Side airbags..............................120
Side marker lights

Replacing ..............................487

Side mirrors

Adjusting and folding...............95
Side table..................................387
Smart key system

Entry function ..........................33
Starting the engine................166

Spare tire

Inflation pressure...................563
Storage location ....................520
Spark plug ................................560
Speech command switch........345
Speedometer ............................181

Column lock release......168, 171

Steering wheel

Audio switches......................321
Climate remote control


Stop lights

Replacing light bulbs.............487
Storage feature ........................376
Storage precautions................228

If your vehicle becomes

stuck ...................................547
Sun visors ................................389

Emergency flasher switch.....496
Engine switch................166, 170
Fog light switch .....................200
Hazard light switch................496
Ignition switch ...............166, 170
Light switches .......................196
Power door lock switch ...........53
Power window switch..............98
SNOW switch........................174
Window lock switch.................98
Wiper and washer

switch..........................201, 203



Tachometer.............................. 181
Tail lights

Replacing light bulbs ............ 487
Switch................................... 196
Wattage................................ 566
Talk switch............................... 345
Telephone switch.................... 345
Theft deterrent system

Alarm.................................... 113
Engine immobilizer system... 110
Theft prevention labels........... 117
Tire inflation pressure ............ 465
Tire information

Glossary ............................... 576
Size ...................................... 573
Tire identification number..... 572
Uniform tire quality

grading............................... 574

Alphabetical index


Checking ...............................455
If you have a flat tire..............520
Inflation pressure...................465
Information ............................570
Replacing ..............................520
Rotating tires.........................455
Size .......................................563
Snow tires .............................231
Tire pressure warning

system ........................455, 511
Tools .........................................520
Total load capacity...................230

Dinghy towing........................245
Emergency towing.................498
Trailer towing.........................235
Traction control........................211
Trip information .......................187
Trip meter .................................181
Turn signal lights

Replacing light bulbs.............487



Preparing and checking

before winter.......................231
Switch ...........................201, 203
Washing and waxing ...............418

Cargo capacity......................226
Load limits.............................230
Wheels ......................................468
Window glasses ........................98
Window lock switch...................98

Power windows.......................98
Rear window defogger..........269
Washer..........................201, 203
Windshield wiper de-icer ........271
Windshield wipers ...................201
Wireless remote control key

Replacing the battery............473
Wireless remote control key....46
WMA disc..................................292

Alphabetical index

Valet key .....................................30
Vanity lights

Vanity lights...........................390
Vanity mirrors...........................390
Vehicle identification number ...................................553
Vehicle stability control...........211

Warning buzzers

Brake system ........................508
Open door .............................511
Seat belt reminder.................511

Warning lights

Anti-lock brake system..........509
Brake assist system ..............509
Brake system ........................508
Charging system ...................509
Electric power steering

system ................................509

Electronic engine control

system ................................509
Engine oil pressure ...............509
Malfunction indicator lamp ....509
Master warning light..............511
Open door .............................511
Seat belt reminder light .........511
SRS airbags..........................509
Tire pressure warning light....511
Warning messages ..................519


What to do if... What to do if...

A tire punctures

P. 520 If you have a flat tire

The engine does not start

P. 534 If the engine will not start P. 110 Engine immobilizer system P. 540 If the battery is discharged

The shift lever cannot be moved out

P. 536 If the shift lever cannot be shifted

from P

The engine coolant temperature gauge enters the red zone

Steam can be seen coming from under the hood

P. 544 If your vehicle overheats

The key is lost

P. 537 If you lose your keys/wireless

remote control transmitter

The battery runs out

P. 540 If the battery is discharged

The doors cannot be locked

P. 52 Side doors P. 57 Back door

The horn begins to sound

P. 113 Alarm

The vehicle is stuck in mud or sand

P. 547 If the vehicle becomes stuck


What to do if...

A warning light or indicator light comes on

P. 508 If a warning light turns on or a

warning buzzer sounds...

■Warning lights



Brake system warning light

P. 508

Charging system warn- ing light P. 509

Low engine oil pressure warning light P. 509

Malfunction indicator lamp

P. 509

SRS warning light

P. 509

Open door warning light P. 511


Low fuel level warning light P. 511

Driver’s seat belt reminder light

P. 511

Front passenger’s seat belt reminder light

P. 511

Master warning light

P. 511

Engine oil replacement reminder light P. 511

Low washer fluid warn- ing light P. 511


What to do if...

Automatic transmission fluid temper- ature warning light P. 511

Tire pressure warning light P. 511

Cruise control indicator light* P. 509

ABS warning light


P. 509

Electric power steering warning light P. 509

Slip indicator light

P. 509

*: The light flashes to indicate a malfunction.

A warning message is displayed

P. 519 If a warning message is displayed



Auxiliary catch lever

Fuel filler door

Back door opener

P. 434

P. 106

P. 57

Hood release lever

Fuel filler door opener

Tire inflation pressure

P. 434

P. 106

P. 563

Fuel tank capacity (Reference) 19.2 gal. (72.5 L, 15.9 Imp. gal.)

Fuel type Cold tire inflation pressure Engine oil capacity (Drain and refill ⎯ reference)

Engine oil type

Unleaded gasoline with an Octane Rating of 87 (Research Octane Number 91)

P. 563

P. 556

Toyota Genuine Motor Oil or equivalent Oil grade: P. 556
ILSAC multigrade engine oil Recommended oil viscosity:

2.7 L 4-cylinder (1AR-FE) engine 5W-20 and 0W-20
3.5 L V6 (2GR-FE) engine 0W-20


Abbreviation list Abbreviation/Acronym list






2 Wheel Drive 4 Wheel Drive Air Conditioning Anti-lock Brake System Accessory Automatic Locking Retractor Child Restraint System Downhill Assist Control Display Electronic Control Unit Event Data Recorder Emergency Locking Retractor Electric Power Steering Gross Axle Weight Rating Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Emission Inspection and Maintenance Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children Light Emitting Diode Methylcy clopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether On Board Diagnostics Supplemental Restraint System Tire Identification Number Tire Pressure Warning System Traction Control Vehicle Identification Number Vehicle Stability Control

For your information

Main Owner’s Manual

Please note that this manual covers all models and all equipment, including options. Therefore, you may find some explanations for equipment not installed on your vehicle. All specifications provided in this manual are current at the time of printing. However, because of the Toyota policy of continual product improvement, we reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice. Depending on specifications, the vehicle shown in the illustrations may differ from your vehicle in terms of equipment.

Noise from under vehicle after turning off the engine

Approximately five hours after the engine is turned off, you may hear sound coming from under the vehicle for several minutes. This is the sound of a fuel evaporation leakage check and, it does not indicate a malfunction.

Accessories, spare parts and modification of your Toyota

A wide variety of non-genuine spare parts and accessories for Toyota vehicles are currently available on the market. You should know that these parts are not covered by Toyota warranty and that Toyota is not responsible for their performance, repair, or replacement, or for any damage they may cause to, or adverse effect they may have on, your Toyota vehicle. This vehicle should not be modified with non-genuine Toyota products. Modification with non-genuine Toyota products may affect performance, safety or durability, and may even violate governmental regulations. In addition, damage or performance problems resulting from the modification may not be covered under warranty.


Installation of a mobile two-way radio system

As the installation of a mobile two-way radio system in your vehicle may affect electronic systems such as the multi-port fuel injection system/sequen- tial multi-port fuel injection system, cruise control system, anti-lock brake system, SRS airbag system or seat belt pretensioner system, be sure to check with your Toyota dealer for precautionary measures or special instruc- tions regarding installation.

Scrapping of your Toyota

The SRS airbag and seat belt pretensioner devices in your Toyota contain explosive chemicals. If the vehicle is scrapped with the airbags and seat belt pretensioners left as they are, this may cause an accident such as fire. Be sure to have the systems of the SRS airbag and seat belt pretensioner removed and disposed of by a qualified service shop or by your Toyota dealer before you scrap your vehicle.

Perchlorate Material

Special handling may apply, See

Your vehicle has components that may contain perchlorate. These compo- nents may include airbag, seat belt pretensioners, and wireless remote con- trol batteries.



■General precautions while driving

Driving under the influence: Never drive your vehicle when under the influ- ence of alcohol or drugs that have impaired your ability to operate your vehi- cle. Alcohol and certain drugs delay reaction time, impair judgment and reduce coordination, which could lead to an accident that could result in death or serious injury. Defensive driving: Always drive defensively. Anticipate mistakes that other drivers or pedestrians might make and be ready to avoid accidents. Driver distraction: Always give your full attention to driving. Anything that dis- tracts the driver, such as adjusting controls, talking on a cellular phone or reading can result in a collision with resulting death or serious injury to you, your occupants or others.

■General precaution regarding children’s safety

Never leave children unattended in the vehicle, and never allow children to have or use the key. Children may be able to start the vehicle or shift the vehicle into neutral. There is also a danger that children may injure themselves by playing with the windows, the moon roof, or other features of the vehicle. In addition, heat build-up or extremely cold temperatures inside the vehicle can be fatal to children.


Symbols used throughout this manual

Cautions & Notices


This is a warning against anything which may cause death or injury to people if the warning is ignored. You are informed about what you must or must not do in order to reduce the risk of injury to yourself and others.


This is a warning against anything which may cause damage to the vehicle or its equipment if the warning is ignored. You are informed about what you must or must not do in order to avoid or reduce the risk of damage to your Toyota and its equipment.

Symbols used in illustrations

Safety symbol The symbol of a circle with a slash through it means “Do not”, “Do not do this”, or “Do not let this happen”.

Arrows indicating operations

Indicates the action (pushing, turning, etc.) used to operate switches and other devices. Indicates the outcome of an operation (e.g. a lid opens).




1 Before driving

Adjusting and operating features such as door locks, mirrors, and steering column.

2 When driving

Driving, stopping and safe-driving information.

3 Interior features

Air conditioning and audio systems, as well as other interior features for a comfortable driving experience.

4 Maintenance

and care

Cleaning and protecting your vehicle, performing do-it- yourself maintenance, and maintenance information.

5 When trouble


What to do if the vehicle needs to be towed, gets a flat tire, or is involved in an accident.

6 Vehicle


Detailed vehicle information.

7 For owners

Reporting safety defects for U.S. owners and seat belt and SRS airbag instructions for Canadian owners


Alphabetical listing of information contained in this manual.





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Seat belts-Shoulder belt anchor OVE

This Quick Reference Guide is a summary of basic vehicle operations. It contains brief descriptions of fundamental operations so you can locate and use the vehicle’s main equipment quickly and easily.

The Quick Reference Guide is not intended as a substitute for the Owner’s Manual located in your vehicle’s glove box. We strongly encourage you to review the Owner’s Manual and supplementary manuals so you will have a better understanding of your vehicle’s capabilities and limitations.


Your dealership and the entire staff of Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. wish you many years of satisfied driving in your new Highlander.

! A word about safe vehicle operations This Quick Reference Guide is not a full description of Highlander operations. Every Highlander owner should review the Owner’s Manual that accompanies this vehicle. Pay special attention to the boxed information highlighted in color throughout the Owner’s Manual. Each box contains safe operating instructions to help you avoid injury or equipment malfunction. All information in this Quick Reference Guide is current at the time of printing. Toyota reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.



Push up, or squeeze lock release to lower

Doors-Child safety locks FEAT Rear door

Moving the lever to “LOCK” will allow the door to be opened only from the outside. Spare tire & tools Tool location

Socket adapter

Jack handle

Towing eyelet


Jack handle


Spare tire


Removing the spare tire (2) (1)

clamp bolt.

SAFE (1) Remove the cover under the center deck board to find the spare tire EME (2) Assemble the jack handle. (3) Put the socket adapter on the spare tire clamp bolt. Loosen the bolt 1 Visi 2 Prog Refer to the Owner’s Manual for tire changing and jack positioning mor procedures. 3 Hom

by turning it counterclockwise with the jack handle.






Engine maintenance Fuel tank door release and cap Hood release Indicator symbols Instrument cluster Instrument panel Keyless entry1
Light control-Instrument panel Smart Key system1,2

Air Conditioning/Heating Audio Auto lock functions1
Automatic Transmission Bluetooth® audio Clock Cruise control Cup holders Door locks Door-Power back Downhill Assist Control system (DAC) Garage door opener (HomeLink®)3
Hill-start Assist Control (HAC) Lights1 & turn signals Moonroof Multi-information display2
Parking brake Power outlets-12V DC Power outlets-120V AC Seat adjustments-Front Seat adjustments-Rear Seat heaters Seats-Folding down second row seats Seats-Head restraints Seats-Removing Center-Stow second row seat Seats-Returning third row seats Seats-Stowing third row seats Steering lock release Steering wheel controls Telephone controls (Bluetooth®) Tilt and telescopic steering wheel Windows-Power Windshield wipers & washers




Doors-Child safety locks 28
Seat belts 29
Seat belts-Shoulder belt anchor Spare tire & tools 29
Tire Pressure Monitoring (warning) System 28

1 Visit your Toyota dealer for information on customizing this feature. 2 Programmable by customer. Refer to the Owner’s Manual for instructions and more information. 3 HomeLink® is a registered trademark of Johnson Controls, Inc.


Instrument panel Steering wheel controls (if equipped)

Automatic Air Conditioning

Steering wheel audio controls1
Steering wheel climate controls1
Multi-information display button1
Voice command button1,2
Telephone controls1,2
Headlight and turn signal controls/Headlight, turn signal and front fog light controls1
Wiper and washer controls Multi-information display1
Audio system or navigation system-integrated audio system1,2
Theft deterrent system/Engine immobilizer indicator1
Emergency flasher button “AIR BAG ON” and “AIR BAG OFF” indicator and front passenger seat belt reminder lights Power back door main switch1
“ENGINE START STOP” button (Smart Key)1
Tire Pressure Monitoring (warning) System

Manual Air Conditioning

Vehicles without navigation system

Vehicles with navigation system

Cruise control Ignition (standard key)1
Tilt and telescopic steering lock release Fuel filler door opener Power back door button1
Instrument panel light control Enhanced VSC/TRAC OFF switch Windshield wiper de-icer switch1
Power outside rearview mirror controls Outside rearview mirror1/Rear window defogger button Air Conditioning controls

1 If equipped 2 For vehicles with a navigation system, refer to the “Navigation System

Owner’s Manual.”


Instrument cluster

Tachometer Engine coolant temperature Service indicator and reminder Fuel gauge Speedometer Odometer/trip meter switch and trip meter resetting button Automatic Transmission shift position indicator Odometer and two trip meters

Indicator symbols For details, refer to “Indicators and warning lights,” Section 2-2, 2011
Owner’s Manual.

Brake system warning1
Driver seat belt reminder (alarm will sound if speed is over 12 mph) Front passenger seat belt reminder (alarm will sound if speed is over 12 mph)

Charging system warning1
Front passenger occupant classification or front passenger airbag ON/OFF indicator Low engine oil pressure warning1

Malfunction/Check Engine indicator1

1 If indicator does not turn off within a few seconds of starting engine, there may be a
