Undercar Neons - Part 2 - The previous thread was closed due to dickheads  

  • DZ
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  • From: Australia
Post #1 post 11th August 2006 - 12:19 PM
Refer to the original thread for some history on the debate....

Anyways, last night I was picking someone up at Grand Plaza shopping centre in Browns Plains with the under car lighting turned on as it usually is at night and when I turned in, two cops in a marked car spotted me, their eyes lit up and they followed me til i parked. They parked beside me.

They didnt get out of the car and I asked politely what I could help them with. They said that it was in reference to my under car lighting being turned on. I asked them why that was a problem and they stated that it was illegal.

I grabbed the print out of the appropriate section of the legislation from the glovebox and also the AIS code of practice which gives the governments interpretation of the legislation. At all times I was polite and explained why they are not illegal. He referred to his offences book (little flip open book with all the correct wording of the fines you get written on tickets) and could NOT find an offence that disagreed with the information I has shown him.

After about 10 minutes, another marked car arrived and double parked. The officers I had been dealing with chatted with the other officers for a moment and then I was told to "sort it out with the Gold Coast traffic branch as they know more about this stuff than us" and was left to go on my way. NO TICKET OF ANY KIND was issued and I drove away, past both marked cars and all the way home with the lighting still on.

ps. I have not yet had a reply from the Gold Coast traffic branch in reference to the letter I sent them last week about this issue.

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Post #2

thats an excellent result for you smile.gif

be interesting to see what the GC traffic branch say (if they even get back to you )

Post #3

Sounds like a win! Good on ya for sticking up for your legal rights! Keep us posted with what happens with the GC Branch.

Post #4

haha thats awsome to hear mate smile.gif

Post #5


At least they did the right thing and didn't just give you a defect notice.
It also probably helped that you were polite and courteous.

Wait for the ammendment to be made in 2 weeks time tongue.gif

Post #6

QUOTE(Claymotion @ Aug 11 2006, 12:26 PM) [snapback]1280144097[/snapback]

Wait for the ammendment to be made in 2 weeks time tongue.gif

that's what i was thinking. they will psobably just try and work out a way around it.

Post #7

nice one mate smile.gif

Post #8

Seems like you got them good!

Post #9

QUOTE(Claymotion @ Aug 11 2006, 12:56 PM) [snapback]1280144097[/snapback]

Wait for the ammendment to be made in 2 weeks time tongue.gif

Fortunately acts of parliament take a bit longer than 2 weeks to change (unless they're about terrorists) but yeah, it wouldnt surprise me in the least to see an "anti ricing amendment" like the anti hooning amendment.

Post #10

well done mate
like some1 else sayd at least they didnt just straight out defect ya

have u got any pics of the car with ur lights turned onif so PM me with em thanks

Post #11


nah man, good to see you went about it the right way. Im sure they will try to get this fixed so that neons are illegal full stop, on a moving vehicle etc

Post #12

Well thats good news. But I can see them becoming illegal without a doubt for sure.

Post #13

ha nice

Post #14

i would have arrested you for having extremely bad taste

Mr bEn
Post #15

DZ, what's the paperwork state that you pulled out to show them?

edit: nm, found it.

Rookie ROX
Post #16

QUOTE(Claymotion @ Aug 11 2006, 12:56 PM) [snapback]1280144097[/snapback]

It also probably helped that you were polite and courteous.

That's the key right there. I'm sure half the other people who tried would end up waddling away after being assraped for every defect possible because they were a smartass about it.

QUOTE(spooks_skyline @ Aug 11 2006, 08:01 PM) [snapback]1280145394[/snapback]

i would have arrested you for having extremely bad taste

FFS not again. Take your pathetic and humourless comments to another forum.


Post #17

haha stick it to the man! I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from laughing when they were flicking through their little book, knowing that they weren't going to find anything.

Post #18

I thought they were only illegal if they were flashing... I know you can have a carnival light show when the car's parked but they must only be solid lighting when driving.

Good work on the paperwork though. What part of the legislation did you get it from? Might think about adding that paperwork to my glovebox...

Red Valdez
Post #19

QUOTE(DR1F7 @ Aug 11 2006, 07:29 PM) [snapback]1280145333[/snapback]

I can see them becoming illegal without a doubt for sure.

So can I. But good on you for sticking up for yourself.

Post #20

Ive got a copy of both of those legislations aswell, and its not an offence, this is a great win, good job man, as long as people stick to the allowed colours you will be fine, i have a copy of that act with me aswell, if ur not a wanker about it then it will b all good

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