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Since the side doors can be locked with- out a key, you should always carry a spare key in case you accidentally lock your keys inside the vehicle.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

A transponder chip for engine immobilizer system has been placed in the head of the master and sub keys. These chips are needed to enable the system to function correctly, so be careful not to lose these keys. If you make your own duplicate key, you will not be able to cancel the system or start the engine. To protect items locked in the glove box when using valet parking, leave the sub key with the attendant. Since the side doors can be locked with- out a key, you should always carry a spare key in case you accidentally lock your keys inside the vehicle.

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


When using a key containing a trans- ponder chip, observe the following precautions: (cid:1) When starting the engine, do not use the key with a key ring resting on the key grip and do not press the key ring against the key grip. Otherwise the engine may not start, or may stop soon after it starts.

(cid:1) When starting the engine, do not use the key with other transponder keys around (including keys of oth- er vehicles) and do not press other key plates against the key grip. Otherwise the engine may not start, or may stop soon after it starts. If this happens, remove the key once and then insert it again after remov- ing other transponder keys (includ- ing keys of other vehicles) from the ring or while gripping or covering them with your hand to start the engine.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(cid:1) Do not cover the key grip with any material that cuts off electromagnet- ic waves.

(cid:1) Do not knock the key hard against

other objects.

(cid:1) Do not leave the key exposed to high temperatures for a long period, such as on the dashboard and hood under direct sunlight.

(cid:1) Do not put the key in water or

wash it in an ultrasonic washer.

(cid:1) Do not use the key with electromag-

netic materials.

KEY NUMBER PLATE Your key number is shown on the plate. Keep the plate in a safe place such as your wallet, not in the vehicle. If you should lose your keys or if you need additional keys, duplicates can be made by a Toyota dealer using the key number. We recommend writing down the key num- ber and storing it in a safe place.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

(cid:1) Do not bend the key grip.


’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Engine immobilizer system

immobilizer system

The engine is a theft prevention system. When you in- sert the key in the ignition switch, the transponder chip the key’s head transmits an electronic code to the ve- hicle. The engine will start only when the electronic code in the chip corre- sponds to the registered ID code for the vehicle.



light will start

The system is automatically set when the key is removed from the ignition switch. The flashing to show the system is set. In the following cases, contact your Toyota dealer. (cid:1) The indicator light stays on. (cid:1) The indicator light does not start flash- ing when the key is removed from the ignition switch.

(cid:1) The indicator light flashes inconsistent-


Inserting the registered key in the ignition switch automatically cancels the system, which enables the engine to start. The indicator light will go off.

For your Toyota dealer to make you a new key with built- in transponder chip, your dealer will need your key number and master key. However, there is a limit to the number of additional keys your Toyota dealer can make for you. If you make your own duplicate key, you will not be able to cancel the sys- tem or start the engine.


Do not modify, remove or disas- semble the engine immobilizer sys- tem. If any unauthorized changes or modifications are made, proper opera- tion of the system cannot be guaran- teed.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Side doors—

When all the side doors and back door are unlocked simultaneously using a key, the interior lights and ignition switch light will come on and remain on for about 15
seconds before further information, see “Interior lights” on page 100 and “Ignition switch light” on page 102 in Section 1- 5.)

fading out. (For

LOCKING AND UNLOCKING WITH KEY Insert the key into the keyhole and turn it. To lock: Turn the key forward. To unlock: Turn the key backward. Vehicles with the power door tem— All the side doors and back door lock and unlock simultaneously with either front door. In the driver’s door lock, turning the key once will unlock the driver’s door and twice in succession will unlock all the side doors and back door simultaneously.

lock sys-

For vehicles sold in U.S.A.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, includ- ing interference that may cause unde- sired operation.


Changes or modifications not ex- pressly approved by the party respon- sible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equip- ment.

For vehicles sold in Canada

This device complies with RSS- 210 of industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interfer- ence, and (2) this device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.




2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

lock: Push the switch down on the

LOCKING AND UNLOCKING WITH POWER DOOR LOCK SWITCH Push the switch. To front side. To unlock: Push the switch down on the rear side. Operating the switch simultaneously locks or unlocks all the side doors and back door.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

Driver’s side

LOCKING AND UNLOCKING WITH INSIDE LOCK KNOB Move the lock knob. To lock: Push the knob forward. To unlock: Pull the knob backward. Closing the door with the lock knob in the lock position will also lock the door. Be careful not to lock your keys in the ve- hicle.

Passenger’s side

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

—Wireless remote control


Before driving, be sure that the doors are closed and locked, especially when small children are in the ve- hicle. Along with the proper use of seat belts, locking the doors helps prevent the driver and passengers from being thrown out from the ve- hicle during an accident. It also helps prevent the doors from being opened unintentionally.

Locking operation

Unlocking operation

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)





the “LOCK”

REAR DOOR CHILD- PROTECTORS Move position as shown on the label. When the child- protector is locked, you cannot open the rear door by the inside door handle. We recommend using this feature whenever small children are in the vehicle.


’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

The wireless remote control system is designed to lock or unlock all the side doors and back door, or activate the “PANIC” mode from a distance within approximately 1 m (3 ft.) of the vehicle. LOCKING AND UNLOCKING THE SIDE DOORS AND BACK DOOR To lock and unlock all the side doors and back door, push the switches of the transmitter slowly and securely. To lock: Push the “LOCK” switch. All the side doors and back door are locked si- multaneously. At this time one beep will be heard, and the turn signal lights flash once. Check to see that all the side doors and back door are securely locked. If any of the side doors or the back door is not securely closed, locking cannot be performed by the “LOCK” switch and a beep will sound continuously for 10 sec- onds. However, if the key is in the ignition switch, a beep will not sound. To stop the beep, close all the side doors and back door securely or push the “UN- LOCK” switch.


“UNLOCK” switch To unlock: Push once to unlock the driver’s door alone. Pushing the switch twice within 3 seconds unlocks all the side doors and back door simultaneously. Each time the “UNLOCK” switch is pushed, two beeps will be heard, and the turn signal lights flash twice. When all the side doors and back door are unlocked simultaneously using a wire- less remote control transmitter, the interior lights and ignition switch light will come on and remain on for about 15 seconds before fading out. (For further information, see “Interior lights” on page 100 and “Igni- tion switch light” on page 102 in Section 1- 5.) You have 30 seconds to open a door after using the wireless remote unlock feature. If a door is not opened by then, all the side doors and back door will be automati- cally locked again. If the “LOCK” or “UNLOCK” switch is kept pressed in, the locking or unlocking opera- tion is not repeated. Release the switch and then push again.


“PANIC” SWITCH Pushing the “PANIC” switch blows the horn intermittently and the headlights and tail lights. The “PANIC” switch is used to deter ve- hicle theft when you witness anyone at- tempting into or damage your vehicle. The alarm will last for one minute. To stop alarm midway, do the following: (cid:1) Push the “PANIC” switch once again. (cid:1) Unlock any of side door or back door with the key or wireless remote control transmitter.

to break

(cid:1) Turn the ignition key from the “LOCK”

to “ON” position.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(cid:1) The battery may have been consumed. Check the battery in the transmitter. To replace the battery, see “REPLACING TRANSMITTER BATTERY”.

If you lose your transmitter, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of theft, or an acci- dent. (See “If you lose your wireless re- mote control transmitter” on page 261 in Section 4.) For vehicles sold in U.S.A.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, includ- ing interference that may cause unde- sired operation.


NOTICE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protec- tion against harmful in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc- tions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interfer- ence television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is en- couraged to try to correct the interfer- ence by one or more of the following measures:

to radio or



The “PANIC” mode does not work when the ignition key is in the “ON” position. WIRELESS TRANSMITTER The wireless remote control transmitter is an electronic component. Observe the fol- lowing instructions in order not to cause damage to the transmitter. (cid:1) Do not leave the transmitter in places the temperature becomes high

where such as on the dashboard.

(cid:1) Do not disassemble it. (cid:1) Avoid knocking

it hard against other

objects or dropping it.



(cid:1) Avoid putting it in water. You can use up to 4 wireless remote con- the same vehicle. trol Contact your Toyota dealer for detailed information. If the wireless remote control transmitter does not actuate the side doors and back door or alarm, or operate from a normal distance: (cid:1) Check for closeness to a radio trans- mitter such as a radio station or an airport which can interfere with normal operation of the transmitter.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

(cid:1) Reorient or relocate the receiving an-


(cid:1) Increase the separation between the

equipment and receiver.

(cid:1) Connect the equipment into an outlet to

on a circuit different which the receiver is connected.



(cid:1) Consult the dealer or an experienced

radio/TV technician for help.

FCC WARNING: Changes or modifications not ex- pressly approved by the party respon- sible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equip- ment.

For vehicles sold in Canada

Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interfer- ence, and (2) this device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.



’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

REPLACING TRANSMITTER BATTERY For replacement, use a CR2016 lithium battery or equivalent.


Special care should be taken to pre- vent small children from swallowing the removed transmitter battery or components.


(cid:1) During replacing the transmitter battery, do not push the “LOCK” and “UNLOCK” switches many times.

(cid:1) When replacing the transmitter bat- tery, be careful not to lose the com- ponents.

(cid:1) Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by a Toyota dealer.

(cid:1) Dispose of used batteries according

to the local laws.

Replace the transmitter battery by follow- ing these procedures:

1. Using a coin or equivalent, open the

transmitter case.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(cid:1) Be careful not to bend the electrode when inserting the transmitter bat- tery and that dust or oils do not adhere to the transmitter case.

(cid:1) Close the transmitter case securely.

After replacing the battery, check that the transmitter operates properly. If the trans- mitter still does not operate properly, con- tact your Toyota dealer.

2. Remove the discharged transmitter bat-

3. Put in a new transmitter battery with



Do not bend the terminals.


positive (+) side up.

Close the transmitter case securely.


(cid:1) Make sure the positive side and negative side of the transmitter bat- tery are faced correctly.

(cid:1) Do not replace the battery with wet hands. Water may cause unexpected rust.

(cid:1) Do not touch or move any compo- nents inside the transmitter, or it may interfere with proper operation.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

Power windows

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Jam protection function: During automatic closing operation, the window stops and opens half way if some- thing gets caught between the window and window frame. If the window receives a strong impact, this function may work even if nothing is caught.


Automatic operation: Push the switch completely down or pull it completely up, and then release it. The window will fully open or close. To stop the window part- way, lightly move the switch in the oppo- site direction and then release it.

The windows can be operated with the switch on each side door. The power windows work when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position. Key off operation: If the either front door is closed, they work for 43 seconds even after the ignition switch is turned off. They stop working when the either front door is opened. OPERATING THE DRIVER’S WINDOW Use the switch on the driver’s door. Normal operation: The window moves as long as you hold the switch. To open: Lightly push down the switch. To close: Lightly pull up the switch.

(cid:1) Never try jamming any part of your body to activate the jam protection function intentionally. jam protection

function may not work if something gets caught just before fully closed.

the window

(cid:1) The



2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

Window switch




OPERATING WINDOWS Use the switch on each passenger’s door or the switches on the driver’s door that control each passenger’s win- dow. The window moves as long as you hold the switch. To open: Push down the switch. To close: Pull up the switch. If you push in the window lock switch on the driver’s door, the passengers’ windows cannot be operated.


’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


To avoid serious personal injury, you must do the following. (cid:1) Before you close the power win- dows, always make sure there is nobody around the power windows. You must also make sure the heads, hands and other parts of the bodies of all occupants are kept completely If someone’s neck, head or hands get it caught could result injury. When anyone closes the power win- dows, make sure he or she oper- ates the windows safely.

in a closing window,

in a serious

the vehicle.


(cid:1) When small children are in the ve- hicle, never let them use the power window switches without supervi- sion. Use the window lock switch to prevent from making unex- pected use of the switches.


(cid:1) Be sure to remove the ignition key

when you leave your vehicle.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Back door

(cid:1) Never leave anyone (particularly a small child) alone in your vehicle, especially with the ignition key still inserted. Otherwise, he/she could use the power window switches and get in a window. Unat- tended person (particularly a small child) can be involved in a serious accident.


LOCKING AND UNLOCKING WITH KEY Insert the key into the keyhole and turn it. To lock: Turn the key clockwise. To unlock: Turn the key counterclockwise. To open the back door, pull the lock re- lease lever. Vehicles with the power door tem— All the side doors and back door lock and unlock simultaneously with the back door.

lock sys-

fading out. (For

When all the side doors and back door are unlocked simultaneously using a key, the interior lights and ignition switch light will come on and remain on for about 15
seconds before further information, see “Interior lights” on page 100 and “Ignition switch light” on page 102 in Section 1- 5.) Operating the power door lock switch or wireless remote control transmitter simul- taneously locks or unlocks the back door. (See “Side doors” on page 14 in this Sec- tion.) When closing the back door, make sure it is fully closed. See “—Stowage precautions” on page 219
in Section 2 for precautions when loading luggage.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)



(cid:1) Keep the back door closed while driving. This not only keeps the luggage from being thrown out but also prevents exhaust gases from entering the vehicle.

(cid:1) If the open back door hides the stop, tail or rear turn signal lights while you are parked, other road users must be warned of the pres- ence of your vehicle by a warning triangle or other device.

To open the hood: 1. Pull the hood lock release lever. The

hood will spring up slightly.


Before driving, be sure that the hood is closed and securely locked. Other- wise, the hood may open unexpected- ly while driving and an accident may occur.

2. In front of the vehicle, pull up the the

lever and


auxiliary catch hood.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Fuel tank cap


After inserting the support rod into the slot, make sure the rod supports the hood securely from falling down on to your head or body.


Be sure to return the support rod to its clip before closing the hood. Clos- ing the hood with the support rod up could cause the hood to bend.

3. Hold the hood open by inserting the

support rod into the slot.

To insert the support rod into the slot, move it straight up. If it is moved to the side or toward the inside of the vehicle, it may become detached. Before closing the hood, check to see that you have not forgotten any tools, rags, etc. and return its clip—this prevents rattles. Then lower the hood and make sure it locks into place. If necessary, press down gently on the front edge to lock it.

the support rod


This indicates that the fuel filler door is on the left side of your vehicle.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


(cid:1) Make sure the cap is tightened se- in

curely to prevent fuel spillage the event of an accident.

(cid:1) Use only a genuine Toyota fuel tank cap for replacement. It is designed to regulate fuel tank pressure.

2. To remove the fuel tank cap, turn the cap slowly counterclockwise, then pause slightly before removing it. After removing the cap, hang it on the cap hanger.

the cap clockwise

It is not unusual to hear a slight swoosh when the cap is opened. When installing, turn till you hear a click. If the cap is not tightened securely, the malfunction lamp comes on. Make sure the cap is tightened securely. The indicator lamp goes off after driving several times. If the indicator lamp does not go off, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible.


1. To open the fuel filler door, pull the

lever up. When refueling, turn off the engine.


(cid:1) Do not smoke, cause sparks or al- flames when refueling.

low open The fumes are flammable.

(cid:1) When opening the cap, do not re- move the cap quickly. In hot weath- er, fuel under pressure could cause injury by spraying out of the filler neck is suddenly re- moved.

the cap



2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

Electric moon roof

Sliding operation

Tilting operation

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


the moon roof, use

To operate switch beside the personal light. The key must be in the “ON” position. The sun shade can be opened or closed by hand. Sliding operation— To open: Push the switch on the “SLIDE OPEN” side. The roof will fully open. To stop the roof partway, push the “SLIDE OPEN” or “TILT UP” side briefly. The sun shade will be opened together with the roof. To close: Push the switch on the “TILT UP” side. As a precaution when closing, the roof stops at the three- quarters closed position before fully closing. Therefore, release the switch and then push it again to close it completely.

the switch on either

Tilting operation— To tilt up: Push the switch on the “TILT UP” side. To lower: Push the switch on the “SLIDE OPEN” side. You may stop the moon roof at any de- sired position. The roof will move while the switch is being pushed and stop when released except to slide open.


To avoid serious personal injury, you must do the following. (cid:1) While the vehicle is moving, always keep the heads, hands and other parts of the bodies of all occupants away from the roof opening. Other- wise, they could be seriously in- jured if the vehicle stops suddenly or if the vehicle is involved in an accident.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(cid:1) Before you close the moon roof, always make sure there is nobody around the moon roof. You must also make sure nobody places his or her head, hands and other parts of the body in the roof opening. If someone’s neck, head or hands get caught in the closing roof, it could result injury. When anyone closes the moon roof, first make sure it is safe to do so.

in a serious

(cid:1) Be sure to remove the ignition key

when you leave your vehicle.

(cid:1) Never leave anyone (particularly a small child) alone in your vehicle, especially with the ignition key still inserted. Otherwise, he/she could use the moon roof switch and get trapped in the roof opening. Unat- tended person (particularly a small child) can be involved in a serious accident.

(cid:1) Never sit on

top of

the vehicle

around the roof opening.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


OPERATION OF INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Occupant restraint systems Seats Front seats Rear seats Flattening seatbacks Head restraints Seat heaters Seat belts SRS driver airbag and front passenger airbag SRS side airbags and curtain shield airbags Child restraint

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Seats While the vehicle is being driven, all ve- hicle occupants should have the seatback upright, sit well back in the seat and prop- erly wear the seat belts provided.


(cid:1) Do not drive the vehicle unless the occupants are properly seated. Do not allow any passengers to sit on top of a folded- down seatback, or in the luggage compartment or car- go area. Persons not properly seated and/or not properly re- strained by seat belts can be se- verely injured in the event of emer- gency braking or a collision.

(cid:1) During driving, do not allow any passengers to stand up or move around between seats. Otherwise, severe the event of emergency braking or a collision.

injuries can occur


Front seats— —Front seat precautions Driver seat


The SRS driver airbag deploys with considerable force, and can cause death or serious injury especially if the driver is very close to the airbag. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) advises: Since the risk zone for driver airbag is the first 50—75 mm (2—3 in.) of inflation, placing yourself 250 mm (10
in.) from your driver airbag provides you with a clear margin of safety. This distance is measured from the center of the steering wheel to your breastbone. If you sit less than 250
mm in.) away now, you can change your driving position in sever- al ways: (cid:1) Move your seat to the rear as far as you can while still reaching the pedals comfortably.



(cid:1) Slightly recline

the back of

the seat. Although vehicle designs vary, many drivers can achieve the 250
mm (10 in.) distance, even with the driver seat all the way forward, sim- ply by reclining the back of the seat somewhat. If reclining the back of your seat makes it hard to see the road, raise yourself by using a firm, non- slippery cushion, or raise the seat if your vehicle has that feature.

(cid:1) If your steering wheel is adjustable, tilt it downward. This points the air- bag toward your chest instead of your head and neck.

The seat should be adjusted as rec- ommended by NHTSA above, while still maintaining control of the foot pedals, steering wheel, and your view of the instrument panel controls.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Front passenger seat

Front seats (with SRS side airbags)



The SRS front passenger airbag also deploys with considerable force, and can cause death or serious injury es- pecially if the front passenger is very close to the airbag. The front passen- ger seat should be as far from the airbag as possible with the seatback adjusted, so the front passenger sits upright.

The SRS side airbags are installed in the driver and front passenger seats. Observe the following precautions. (cid:1) Do not lean against the front door when the vehicle is in use, since the side airbag inflates with consid- erable speed and force. Otherwise, you may be killed or seriously in- jured.

(cid:1) Do not use seat accessories which cover the area where the side air- bags inflate. Such accessories may prevent the side airbags from acti- vating correctly, causing death or serious injury.

(cid:1) Do not modify or replace the seats or upholstery of the seats equipped with side airbags. Such change may prevent the side airbag system from activating correctly, disable the sys- tem or cause the side airbag sys- tem to inflate accidentally, resulting in death or serious injury.

—Seat adjustment precautions


(cid:1) Do not adjust the seat while the vehicle is moving as the seat may unexpectedly move and cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle. (cid:1) Be careful that the seat does not

hit a passenger or luggage.

(cid:1) After adjusting the seat position, try sliding it forward and backward to make sure it is locked in posi- tion.

(cid:1) After adjusting the seatback, push your body back against the seat to make sure the seat in position.



(cid:1) Do not put objects under the seats. Otherwise, the objects may interfere with the seat- lock mechanism or unexpectedly push up the seat posi- tion adjusting lever and the seat may suddenly move, causing the driver to lose control of the vehicle. (cid:1) While adjusting the seat, do not put your hands under the seat or near the moving parts. Otherwise, your hands or fingers may be caught and injured.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

—Adjusting front seats

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

1. SEAT POSITION ADJUSTING LEVER Hold the center of the lever and pull it up. Then slide the seat to the desired position with slight body pressure and release the lever. 2. SEAT CUSHION ANGLE ADJUSTING


Turn the knob either way. ANGLE 3. SEATBACK



lever up. lean back to the desired angle

Lean forward and pull the Then and release the lever.


the driver and

To reduce the risk of sliding under the lap belt during a collision, avoid reclining the seatback any more than needed. The seat belts provide maxi- mum protection in a frontal or rear collision when the front passenger are sitting up straight and well back in the seats. If you are reclined, the lap belt may slide past your hips and apply restraint forces directly to the abdomen. In the event of a frontal collision, the more the seat is reclined, the greater the risk of personal injury.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

—Adjusting rear seats

Rear seats— —Rear seat precautions


(cid:1) Do not adjust the seat while the

vehicle is moving.

(cid:1) Be careful that the seat does not

hit a passenger or luggage.

(cid:1) Adjust both seat cushions to the same position and align both seat- backs at the same angle when a person sits in the rear center posi- tion. Otherwise, the person cannot wear the seat belt properly and this may cause serious injuries in a col- lision.

(cid:1) After adjusting the seat position, try sliding it forward and backward to make sure it is locked in posi- tion.

(cid:1) After adjusting the seatback, push back your body to make sure it is locked in position.

the seat

(cid:1) When returning seats to their origi- nal position, observe the following precautions in order to prevent per- sonal injury in a collision or sud- den stop: Make sure is securely locked by pushing forward and rear- ward on the top of the seatback or by trying to pull up the edge of the bottom cushion. Failure to do so will prevent the seat belt from oper- ating properly. Make sure the seat belts are not twisted or caught under the seat and are arranged in their proper position and are ready to use.

Folding the seats up will enlarge the lug- gage compartment. See “—Stowage pre- cautions” on page 219 in Section 2 for precautions when loading luggage.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

1. SEAT POSITION ADJUSTING LEVER Hold the center of the lever and pull it up. Then slide the seat to the desired position with slight body pressure and release the lever. When a person sits in the rear center position, adjust both seat cushions to the same position. 2. SEATBACK




Pull the strap up. Then lean back to the desired angle and release the strap. When a person sits in the rear center position, align both seatbacks at the same angle.


’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(cid:1) After adjusting the seatback, push back your body to make sure it is locked in position.


Do not fold the seatback forward while the luggage cover is set.


(cid:1) Adjustments should not be made

while the vehicle is moving.

(cid:1) Adjust both seat cushions to the same position and align both seat- backs at the same angle when a person sits in the rear center posi- tion. Otherwise, the person cannot wear the seat belt properly and this may cause serious injuries in a col- lision.

(cid:1) To reduce the risk of sliding under lap belt during a collision, the avoid reclining the seatback any more than needed. The seat belts provide maximum protection in a frontal or rear collision when the passengers are sitting up straight and well back in the seats. If you are reclined, the lap belt may slide past your hips and apply restraint forces directly to the abdomen. In the event of a frontal collision, the more the seat is reclined, the great- er the risk of personal injury.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

—Tumbling rear seats

BEFORE TUMBLING REAR SEAT 1. Stow the rear seat belt buckles as

shown in the illustration.

This prevents the buckles from falling out when you tumble the rear seat.


Before using the seat belt, pull out the buckle and make sure the belt is not twisted.


The seat belt buckles must be stowed before you fold the seatback.

2. To stow the rear center seat belt, pull the belt out of its cover a little and insert the concave end tab into the higher slot of the cover.

3. Insert the round end tab

into the cover. You will hear a click when the tabs are locked in the seat belt cov- er. Make sure the tabs are securely locked in the cover.


The seat belt must be stowed before you fold the seatback.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

TUMBLING REAR SEATS 1. Hold the center of the lever and pull it up. Then slide the front seat fully forward.

Tumbling the rear seats will enlarge the luggage compartment. See “—Stowage precautions” on page 219 in Section 2 for precautions when loading luggage.

2. Hold the center of the lever and pull it up. Then slide the rear seat fully backward and pull it forward slightly until it locks.


3. Lower the head restraint to the low- est position. Pull up the strap to unlock the seatback forward until it locks.

the seatback and



Do not fold the seatback forward while the luggage cover is set.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

4. Pull up the seat cushion lock release lever and swing the whole seat up and forward.

5. Make sure the front legs are locked and the seat is securely locked in position.

RETURNING REAR SEATS 1. To unlock the seat, hold the upper back of the seat with your hand and pull the lock release strap up. Swing the whole seat down and set the rear legs to the hooks on the floor. Make sure the rear legs are securely set to the hooks by trying to pull up the rear part of the seat.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

—Removing rear seats


When returning seats to their original position, observe the following pre- cautions in order to prevent personal injury in a collision or sudden stop: (cid:1) Make sure is securely locked by pushing forward and rear- ward on the top of the seatback or by trying to pull up the edge of the bottom cushion. Failure to do so will prevent the seat belt from oper- ating properly.

the seat

(cid:1) Make sure the seat belts are not twisted or caught under the seat and are arranged in their proper position and are ready to use.

1. Tumble the rear seats. (See “—Tum- bling rear seats” on page 35 in this Section for instructions.)

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

2. Pull the seatback lock release strap

and swing the seatback up.


’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

—Reinstalling rear seats


When removing the seat, observe the following precautions in order to pre- vent personal injury: (cid:1) Be careful not to get your hands or

feet pinched in the seat.

(cid:1) Be careful not to hit the removed seat against a person or drop it on yourself.


Avoid putting heavy loads on the re- moved seat. The metallic tips of the seat leg may be damaged and the seat cannot be reinstalled.

2. Unlock the seat by pulling the lock lever. Pull the seat toward

release you slightly and lift.

Removing the rear seats will enlarge the luggage compartment. See “—Stowage precautions” on page 219 in Section 2 for precautions when loading luggage.

1. While pulling up the lock release le- into the

ver, place the rear hinge rear hook on the floor.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

2. Push the seat forward until it locks.

3. To unlock the seat, hold the upper back of the seat with your hand and pull the lock release strap up. Swing the whole seat down and set the rear legs to the hooks on the floor. Make sure the rear legs are securely set to the hooks by trying to pull up the rear part of the seat.

4. Pull the seatback lock release strap

and swing the seatback up.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)


When returning seats to their original position, observe the following pre- cautions in order to prevent personal injury in a collision or sudden stop: (cid:1) Make sure is securely locked by pushing forward and rear- ward on the top of the seatback or by trying to pull up the edge of the bottom cushion. Failure to do so will prevent the seat belt from oper- ating properly.

the seat

(cid:1) Make sure the seat belts are not twisted or caught under the seat and are arranged in their proper position and are ready to use. reinstalling

When removing or the seat, observe the following precau- tions in order to prevent personal in- jury: (cid:1) Do not fold or remove the seat

while the vehicle is moving.

(cid:1) Be careful not to get your hands or

feet pinched in the seat.

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Flattening seatbacks (front seat only)

(cid:1) Be careful not to hit the removed seat against a person or drop it on yourself.

(cid:1) After folding or installing the seat, push it forward and backward to make sure it is locked in position. To prevent personal injury in a colli- sion or sudden stop: (cid:1) Do not sit on or place anything on

the folded seatback while driving.

(cid:1) Do not

the loose in the vehicle.


removed seat

(cid:1) Do not try to sit on or place any-

thing on the removed seat.

(cid:1) When reinstalling the seat, be care- ful not to hit the seat against you or inside of the vehicle.

(cid:1) Install each seat in the same posi- tion from which it was removed. Failure to do so will prevent rear seat occupants from using seat belts properly.

For flattening seatbacks, do the follow- ing: 1. Hold the center of the lever and pull it up. Then slide the rear seat fully backward and pull it forward slightly until it locks.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


(cid:1) Do not allow passengers to ride on the flattened seat while driving; use the seat in the normal position.

(cid:1) After returning the seat to its origi- nal position, try pushing the seat and seatback forward and rearward to make sure it is secured in place. Be certain to replace head restraint.

2. Remove the head restraint. Hold the center of the lever and pull it up. Then slide the front seat further for- ward than the front- most lock posi- tion.

3. Pull the seatback angle adjusting le- ver up to unlock and push down the seatback.

When returning the seatback to the up- right position, be careful not to make yourself hit by the seatback which will bound with considerable spring force. After returning the seat to its original position, be certain to replace the head restraint.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Head restraints

Seat heaters


(cid:1) Adjust the center of the head re- straint so that it is closest to the top of your ears.

(cid:1) After adjusting the head restraint, make sure it is locked in position. the head re-

(cid:1) Do not drive with

straints removed.

For your safety and comfort, adjust the head restraint before driving. To raise: Pull it up. To lower: Push it down while pressing the lock release button. The head restraint is most effective when it is close to your head. Therefore, using a cushion on the seatback is not recom- mended.

To turn on the seat heater, push the switches (“L” switch for the left front seat and “R” switch for the right front seat). At this time, the indicator light on ei- ther side of each switch will illuminate to indicate the seat heater is operating. The seat heater switches have the follow- ing positions. “HI”—High heating temperature “LO”—Low heating temperature The key must be in the “ON” position to operate seat heaters. Pushing lightly on the opposite side will turn it off.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)



(cid:1) Do not put unevenly weighed ob- jects on the seat and do not stick sharp objects (needles, nails, etc.) into the seat.

(cid:1) When cleaning the seats, do not use organic substances (paint thin- ner, benzine, alcohol, gasoline, etc.). They may damage the heater and seat surface.

(cid:1) To prevent the battery from being discharged, turn the switch off when the engine is not running.

the seat heater because

Occupants must use caution when op- erating it may make them feel too hot or cause burns at low temperatures (erythema, varicella). Use extra caution for; (cid:1) Babies, small children, elderly per- sons, sick persons or persons with physical disabilities

(cid:1) Persons who have delicate skin (cid:1) Persons who are exhausted (cid:1) Persons who have taken alcohol or drugs which induce sleep (sleeping drug, cold remedy, etc.)

To prevent the seat overheating, do not use the seat heater with a blan- ket, cushion, or other insulating ob- jects which cover the seat.


Seat belts— —Seat belt precautions Toyota strongly urges that the driver and passengers in the vehicle be properly re- strained at all times with the seat belts provided. Failure to do so could increase the chance of injury and/or the severity of injury in accidents. The seat belts provided for your vehicle are designed for people of adult size, large enough to properly wear them. Child. Use a child restraint system ap- propriate for the child until the child be- comes large enough to properly wear the vehicle’s seat belts. See “Child restraint” on page 69 in this Section for details. If a child is too large for a child restraint system, the child should sit in the rear seat and must be restrained using the vehicle’s seat belt. According to accident statistics, the child is safer when properly restrained in the rear seat than in the front seat. If a child must sit in the front seat, the seat belts should be worn properly. If an accident occurs and seat belts are not worn properly, the force of the rapid infla- tion of the airbag may cause death or serious injury to the child.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Do not allow any children to stand up or kneel on either rear or front seats. An unrestrained child could suffer serious in- jury or death during emergency braking or a collision. Also, do not let the child sit on your lap. Holding a child in your arms does not provide sufficient restraint. Pregnant woman. Toyota recommends the use of a seat belt. Ask your doctor for specific lap belt should be worn securely and as low as possible over the hips and not on the waist. Injured person. Toyota recommends the use of a seat belt. Depending on the inju- ry, first check with your doctor for specific recommendations.

recommendations. The


the vehicle

in their seats Persons should ride their seat belts properly wearing whenever is moving. Otherwise, they are much more likely to suffer serious bodily injury or death in the event of sudden braking or a collision. When using the seat belts, observe the following: (cid:1) Use the belt for only one person at a time. Do not use a single belt for two or more people—even children. (cid:1) To reduce the risk of sliding under the lap belt during a collision, avoid reclining the seatback any more than needed. The seat belts provide maximum protection in a frontal or rear collision when the driver and the front passenger are sitting up straight and well back in the seats. If you are reclined, the lap belt may slide past your hips and apply restraint forces directly to the abdomen. In the event of a frontal collision, the more the seat is reclined, the greater the risk of personal injury.

(cid:1) Be careful not to damage the belt webbing or hardware. Take care that they do not get caught or pinched in the seat or side doors.

(cid:1) Inspect the belt system periodically. Check for cuts, fraying, and loose parts. Damaged parts should be re- placed. Do not disassemble or modify the system.

(cid:1) Keep the belts clean and dry.

If they need cleaning, use a mild soap solution or lukewarm water. Never use bleach, dye, or abrasive clean- ers, or allow them to come into contact with the belt—they may se- verely weaken (See “Cleaning the interior” on page 267
in Section 5.)

the belts.

(cid:1) Replace the belt assembly (includ- ing bolts) if it has been used in a severe impact. The entire assembly should be replaced even if damage is not obvious.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

—Fastening front and rear seat belts







Adjust the seat as needed and sit up straight and well back in the seat. To fasten your belt, pull it out of the re- tractor and the buckle. You will hear a click when the tab locks into the buckle. The seat belt length automatically adjusts to your size and the seat position. The retractor will lock the belt during a sudden stop or on impact. It also may lock if you lean forward too quickly. A slow, easy motion will allow the belt to extend, and you can move around freely.

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Take up slack

Too high

Keep as low on hips as possible


lap and

the position of

Adjust shoulder belts. Position the lap belt as low as possible on your hips—not on your waist, then ad- just it to a snug fit by pulling the shoulder portion upward through the latch plate.



When a passenger’s shoulder belt is com- pletely extended and retracted even slightly, the belt is locked in that position and cannot be extended. This fea- ture is used to hold the child restraint system securely. (For details, see “Child restraint” on page 69 in this Section.) To free the belt again, fully retract the belt and then pull the belt out once more. If the seat belt cannot be pulled out of the retractor, firmly pull the belt and release it. You will then be able to smoothly pull the belt out of the retractor.


(cid:1) After inserting the tab, make sure the tab and buckle are locked and that the belt is not twisted.

(cid:1) Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in the buckle as this may prevent you from properly latching the tab and buckle.

(cid:1) If the seat belt does not function normally, immediately contact your Toyota dealer. Do not use the seat until the seat belt is fixed, because it cannot protect an adult occupant or your child from injury.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


(cid:1) Both high- positioned lap belts and loose- fitting belts could cause seri- ous injuries due to sliding under the lap belt during a collision or other unintended event. Keep the lap belt positioned as low on hips as possible.

(cid:1) Do not place the shoulder belt un-

der your arm.


Always make sure the shoulder belt is positioned across the center of your shoulder. The belt should be kept away from your neck, but not falling off your shoulder. Failure to do so could reduce the amount of protection in an accident and cause serious injuries in a collision.

Seat belts with an adjustable shoulder anchor— Adjust the shoulder anchor position to your size. To raise: Slide the anchor up. To lower: Push in the lock release button and slide the anchor down. After adjustment, make sure the anchor is locked in position.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

To release the belt, press the buckle release button and allow the belt to retract. If the belt does not retract smoothly, pull it out and check for kinks or twists. Then make sure it remains untwisted as it re- tracts.

REAR CENTER SEAT BELT The rear center seat belt is a 3- point type restraint with 2 buckles. Both seat belt buckles must be correctly located and se- curely latched for proper operation. Make sure that buckle 1 (with light gray buckle- release button) is securely latched for ready use of the center seat belt.


Two buckles and tabs for rear center seat belt The 2 buckles for the rear center seat belt are distinguished with colors of the buckle release button. Also tabs have different shape for its end so that the belt is not buckled in the wrong place. Buckle 1 (with light gray buckle- re- lease button)—Properly matches with concave end tab Buckle 2 (with red buckle- release but- ton)—Properly matches with round end tab

the 2

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


located and securely

Make sure the both buckles are cor- rectly latched. Failure to properly match the buckle and tab may cause severe injury in case of an accident or a collision.

To release the concave end tab, insert the key into the hole on buckle 1 (with light gray buckle- release button) and allow the belt to retract.


Do not use the rear center seat belt with either buckle released. Fastening only the shoulder belt or lap belt may cause severe personal injury in case of sudden braking or a collision.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

—Stowing the rear seat belt buckles

—Stowing the rear center seat belt

rear seat belt buckles can be

The stowed when not in use. Seat belt buckles must be stowed before you fold the seatback. (See “—Tumbling rear seats” on page 35 or “—Removing rear seats” on page 38 in this Section.)

STOWING THE REAR CENTER SEAT BELT 1. To stow the rear center seat belt, pull the seat belt out of its cover a little and insert the concave end tab into the higher slot of the cover.


Before using the seat belt, pull out the buckle and make sure the belt is not twisted.


2. Insert the round end tab

into the cover. You will hear a click when the tabs are locked in the seat belt cov- er. Make sure the tabs are securely locked in the cover.


Seat belt must be stowed before you fold the rear seats” on page 35 or “—Removing rear seats” on page 38 in this Section.)




Stow the rear center seat belt when not in use.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

from your Toyota dealer

—Seat belt extender If your seat belts cannot be fastened se- curely because they are not long enough, a personalized seat belt extender is avail- able free of charge. Please contact your local Toyota dealer to order the proper required length for the extender. Bring the heaviest coat you ex- pect to wear for proper measurement and selection of length. Additional ordering in- formation is available at your Toyota deal- er.



When using the seat belt extender, following precautions. observe Failure to follow these instructions could reduce the effectiveness of the seat belt restraint system in case of an accident, increasing the chance of personal injury. (cid:1) Remember that the extender pro- vided for you may not be safe when used on a different vehicle, for another person, or at a different seating position than the one origi- nally intended.

PULLING OUT THE REAR CENTER SEAT BELT To use the rear center seat belt, pull the belt out a little and then pull the tabs out from the cover.


the extender

(cid:1) If the seat belt extender has been connected to the driver’s seat belt buckle without wearing the seat belt when using the driver’s seat, the SRS driver’s air- bag system will judge that the driv- er wears the seat belt even if not wearing it. In this case, the driver’s airbag may not activate correctly, causing death or serious injury in the event of collision. Be sure to wear the seat belt with the seat belt extender.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

(cid:1) Be sure to wear the seat belt with- out the seat belt extender if you can fasten the seat belt without the extender.


installing a child

(cid:1) Do not use the seat belt extender when restraint system on the front or rear passen- ger seat. installing a child re- straint system with the seat belt extender connected to the seat belt, the seat belt will not securely hold the child restraint system, which could cause death or serious injury to the child or other passengers in the event of collision.


’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

To connect the extender to the seat belt, insert the tab into the seat belt buckle so that the “PRESS” signs on the buckle release buttons of the ex- tender and the seat belt are both facing outward as shown. You will hear a click when the tab locks into the buckle. When releasing the seat belt, press on the buckle release button on the extender, not on the seat belt. This helps prevent damage to the vehicle interior and extend- er itself. When not and store in the vehicle for future use.

in use, remove the extender


(cid:1) After inserting the tab, make sure the tab and buckle are locked and that the lap and shoulder portions of the belt and the seat belt extend- er are not twisted.

(cid:1) Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in the buckle as this may prevent you from properly latching the tab and buckle.

(cid:1) If the seat belt does not function normally, immediately contact your
