drfting tonite was good  

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Post #36

phats, I belive my good mate goomy was making a general comment, because it is quite obvious that you were not braging about crashing your car. And I think you will also find the 'sik' in his name is somewhat of a joke. Hope that clears things up. smile.gif

Post #37

hehe drifty drifty i wanna go drifty.

*does rain dance here*

come on rain laugh.gif

Post #38

Just u wait , as soon as you bastards tell me when u r going driftin, ill show up the madaz 323. Fwd has nothin on rwd, except maybe the handbrake

Post #39

man i had a massive round about drift in my pulsar this morning. it was pissing down and i took the round about at around 20kph in fourth gear so i wasnt fanging or anything. all of a sudden the back end just lost it and i was all over the place. i ended up correcting it and facing the right way though. all i can think was that there musta been a huge puddle there or some oil or sumfn. kinda scared me a bit as there was heaps of other cars but looking back it was pretty funny

Post #40

drifint is the bomb though

Post #41

wow dave you are the first person that actually got the joke about my nick sik_EBIIghia it is a payout originally from my old irc nick "sik_EA" when i had an EA 3.9l cfi auto piece of shit

everyone thinks i'm serious

but i did do a mad drift in the capri turning on to gipps street from wickham street in the valley on friday night held it almost till the next corner not bad for a car with an open center diff the "little bloke" (team shitbox racing, i'm not old enough to get my learners yet division) almost crapped his dacks when i was drifting then said to man that was fucken sik lol @ the "little bloke"

Post #42

i saw a taxi doing some drifting as alderly last night and i must admit he was damn good. he drifted all the way around the round about then fishied up the street.

Post #43

what a legend , its good to see everyone doin it


Post #44

Not that I'm taking a dig at anyone here but I think that the term "drift" is used a little too freely these days. It seems that as soon as someone hangs the ass out a bit its a drift..... tongue.gif

Post #45

Not that I'm taking a dig at anyone here but I think that the term "drift" is used a little too freely these days. It seems that as soon as someone hangs the ass out a bit its a drift..... tongue.gif

I agree 100%

The shitbox racer DRIFTS, I kid you not. Also does fishies. smile.gif

Post #46


well we call drifting when you fang it goin round a corner or something and you stay sideways or the ass hangin out for a bit , or some ppl try and spin out

who would spin out :?

Post #47

haha drift king tongue.gif

what do u call driftin §ileightĄ??

Post #48

My car drifts. :oops:

Post #49

saturday last week, at BWCP near the pool comming in the backway we were parked up as some of the people in the cars needed to have a pee...

And the oldskewl 97 liberty wagon jacked up with hooge wheels spins round the corner, nice drift whoever you are! =)

the 97 and olskool bit dont really match man, u mean 87? pre-liberty?

Post #50

front wheel drift can be fun, u just need to use the handbrake! laugh.gif

Post #51

I just seem to hear a lot of people (not just on this site but in general really) saying shit like "I was comming round this corner at this place and I booted it and she flung out but I caught it and it was a killer drift". Not that it bugs me I find it amusing actually and would like to hear what that same person had to say after going out with someone who can really drift biggrin.gif And I'm not claiming to be a drift king either biggrin.gif As I said I just think that the term is used loosely these days and it seems to be more of a buzz word....but as I said I'm not complaing just making a general comment tongue.gif

Post #52


well we call drifting when you fang it goin round a corner or something and you stay sideways or the ass hangin out for a bit , or some ppl try and spin out

who would spin out  :?

yeah thats more like it :twisted: I was talking more about the comments I mentioned above

Post #53

haha ok man, well thats usually driftin me thinks, no control tongue.gif

i like it.


Post #54

heheh no control if thats good to have no control then i am a legend lol

whos drifting tonite

Post #55

mwa mayb in some no speedo shit box tongue.gif ,

unless i get a lift smile.gif

Post #56

where was everyone last nite , we went to our spot but didnt even see a team shit box car , one au falcon came through we thought it as cops but then it drifted and a sikma sedan

Post #57

*bump* biggrin.gif

Post #58


V8 Dave
Post #59

is there anywhere on the northside that is safe to go and playa round ?

Post #60

umm not sure man we are all southsidas so we only know the south side but come to the southside n drift

V8 Dave
Post #61

how about u come northside.. and we go hunting for places!


Post #62

Yeah!!! You bunch of southside imbreds.

Post #63

but we alreaddy know southside spots , man incest is a game the whole fmaily canplay , well thats what ur mum told me neways

southsidas rule

Post #64

hahaha, yea north siders suck, hurry up and find a spot then we come over. the only thing good atm is ur mummy's cookies tongue.gif

Post #65

How about the shitbox racer, lowma divison was there, and so was shitbox racer I DONT WANT A STICKER! devision.

Post #66

really were they. oh i wasnt there THATS RIGHT, "i wonder why, luxfella"

Post #67

heheheh i shoulda taken you but yea you know


Post #68

I know a pretty good place, its not too far out. I'm not going to post it for obvious reasons :roll: but if ne one wants to know PM me

Post #69

north side or south???

Post #70


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