Alfa 4c  

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Post #36

Link doesn't work dude

Post #37

QUOTE (wolfman101 @ Oct 1 2013, 10:48 AM) *
Whatever the reason,

it still doesn't post times worth a damn.

It did the TG test track about as fast as an Audi tt 2.0 ffs.
I don't think it can all be put down to tyres. Pretty sure a lot of fwd hatches also smash it around the track.

And didn't Dale change his user name or something?

Nah, I found the "Login with Facebook" which allows everyone to have a defacto dual account. Why? Because they put me on mod review and were pretty damn lousy at "reviewing" so when I really would like to post I just do that whole deal.

Anyway, yeah interesting car, bit out of my budget plus not terribly practical (no power steer? lol) If I had the money I'd have one, not two Toyota 86s or one 370Z sports barge.

Took the 86 on happy laps had fun, went to the skid pan, had more fun. What do you know, the cheapest new car you can have fun with without having to pull up the handbrake.

Also, if the car is priced at $75k that's awesome, it means that the new Alfa/MX5 thing can't really be priced $65k like the Brera/Spiders 4cyl models. Currently Alfa sells two hatchbacks and I think that sucks a lot of arse, it's not right for a "niche" manufacturer to sell something that's meant to compete with a Golf and another car that's meant to compete with a Polo, it doesn't make them niche, it just makes them an unsuccessful brand. So I can't wait until they put some decent cars onto the market once again

Post #38

QUOTE (wolfman101 @ Sep 30 2013, 05:59 PM) *
Oh I know there is a big price difference,
but I feel that the 86 let the public (including me)
down in all those areas.
Too slow,
too ugly,
too bad sounding,
too poorly finished inside... And too expensive as well.

Wound up far more expensive than we'd been led to believe.

Will be more like 370z money,

but at least it actually looks to deliver on every front... And in many respects is actually exceptionally cheap for what it is.

What the? It turned out exactly as it was designed to be.

It speaks volumes that i have a 330awkw S4 in the driveway and currently a dead stock 86, you know which one i pick up the keys to for a drive? the 86. Its an absolute blast to drive.

35k is cheap as shit for a rwd, 2 door sports car, so cheap in fact, that its the cheapest purpose built one on sale, especially if you go the gt at 30k. Designing a car from scratch with a new engine, they probably won't make a profit on it for 5 years, a dangerous move in sports cars.

Now, styling is purely subjective, i love it, other don't though.

Yes, the interior is average build wise, but its got all the modern things that make life easier.
Stock it sounds bad and its slow compared to many things. Not that 0-100 in 6.5sec and a 14sec 1/4 is "slow" in absolute terms.
Considering they designed and a built a complete rwd car from scratch and made it the price they did is incredible.

Its pretty obvious you either A) Don't really like driving, only power B) Have never driven one or C) Think its impossible to love a cheap car.

QUOTE (wolfman101 @ Sep 30 2013, 06:01 PM) *
I should also add that for all that much touted 'handling feel',

the 86 is actually not veru good on track.

It was,

in fact,

actually engineered to be as bad in corners as possible,

to please drifters.

The 4c actually seems to be posting impressive lateral g numbers.

By doing so they made the 86 probably the most fun car you can buy on sale today. The steering is easily the best iv'e ever tried, better than a S4, better than a GTR, better than a C63, better than a M3. Its a car that simply cannot be measured with numbers and trying to rank it based on numbers alone is silly.
Toyota have publicly said, the stock car is a blank canvas to do with what you please, its not meant to be the end result. I and many other thank them for that.

On topic. 4c looks like a very very interesting car. Impressive technology for the price. at 75-80k it will be within the realms of many people, but its still that bit too much for the mainstream.

Post #39

I reckon if they can sell more then they should, I am under the impression that the entire Australian allocation is sold already. I think there was about 800 cars for the Asia Pacific region.

They should just sell out, it couldn't hurt them at all as a brand to sell more than to hold on to some ridiculous notion of "exclusivity" when they as a brand are selling less cars today in Australia then they sold in the 1970's, and the only thing stopping them back then was import restrictions

Post #40

Viper, you seem to be misunderstanding me. I am very much aware of 'fun' cars. Remember, you are talking to someone whose favourite car they've owned was a smart roadster with 91 hp.
I NEVER said that the '86 isn't fun to drive, by all accounts it is.
I simply said that it's ugly (to me) and slow. And sounds bad. And is built poorly.
Something can still be all those things but also' fun'.

I just have major arse-burn because I was expecting so much more. A car that was fun AND technically impressive in some way, had an interior at least on par with a modern Hyundai and that looked/sounded like it gave a crap.

Post #41

The Alfa and 86 are as bad as each other.

Post #42

What is wrong with the 4c exactly? Curious as to your rationale, which is generally pretty sound.

Post #43

Oh, I should just add that it now has the fastest 'ring time for a car with less than 250 hp.

Jesus, I like that little car. Seriously thinking about it.

Post #44

They're both cheap (in their relative markets) and both look cheaply made. The Alfa more so than the 86.

The 86 is just a revival car to make people think Toyota still make fun cars to drive. The 86 at the end of the day is a prettied up economy car.

The Alfa is just a scaled down version of the 8C. Which is about the only decent car they've made in the past decade.

About the only thing the 4C has going for it is the CF monocoque. But the 4C is the expensive mans 86.

A cheap, RWD, sports coupe. Mid-to high income earners will want the 4C as a mid-life crisis car. Cheaper than the Lotus and cheaper again by the Porsche. You see enough 86's on the road already and it won't surprise me if you see many 4C's on the road in the next year or so.

Different size and width wheels, no power steering, poor rear visibility. Yeah I wouldn't want any of that.

Plus I think you'll find that given QLD roads are shocking at the best of times. How do you think it'll feel in this? Not under going EURO NCAP tests because of limited production numbers (for the first year at least) and no idea how it'll stack up on the ANCAP ones either. But it should be okay with the CF monocoque.

Funny that many other cars that have the same CF monocoque don't show up on the ANCAP website either....

Personally preference, I don't like either of them. No real justifiable reason, no hate. Just don't like them.

Post #45

Cannot understand the hate i think it sounds incredible.

Post #46

There wasn't (and you acknowledge as much) objective reasoning in there B... Except that you think that the 4c is more cheaply made than the '86...which would seem to be a hard one to push... The 4c interior is gorgeous, just a bit minimalist, and the exterior is cf.
The 4c is one of the best looking and sounding cars of its generation (imo), overflows with character, and is actually fast. These are things it has over the '86.

Post #47

QUOTE (wolfman101 @ Nov 4 2013, 06:40 PM) *
overflows with character,


Good to see you're keep things in line with most reviewers of the car.

Spirit, character, soul, passion or any other bit of fake Italian marketing gimmick. Put a dollar towards the loan repayments.

I guess, I'm just more practical about car choices? Fun doesn't come into my decisions anymore. It's what's practical now.

Post #48

You haven't really been paying much attention to what is being said have you? 'character' alone is not enough. If all it had was nostalgia value and character, I'd be saying 'great, another ALMOST car by alfa'. Fortunately, it turns out that it walks the walk too. Better in fact than any car in its class.
To do that, an STILL look and sound 3 time its price is pretty remarkable to me.

Post #49

QUOTE (Mr.B @ Nov 4 2013, 07:33 PM) *
The 86 is just a revival car to make people think Toyota still make fun cars to drive. The 86 at the end of the day is a prettied up economy car.

That's fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

You will be missing out though and it just leaves the mountains clearer for me.

Post #50

Yeah, even I wouldn't go THAT far. By all accounts they are VERY fun. They just have no power and handle poorly (assuming that your definition of "handling" requires the car to be able to go around corners quickly of course).

Post #51

FTR, that's the "more cheaply made than an 86" interior.

Yep, that's all exposed cf.

Post #52

In what world other than wolfmans magical world where money grows on trees can a 75k car be compared to a 30k one (is that how much the base model costs, I got no idea)?

Post #53

I compared it to the 370z price wise, actually. Just compared the design philosophy to the Toyobaru.

Post #54

Same shit. And isnt a 370z a mid 50k car? Still not a fair comparison. I liked the part where you said the interior reminded you of one found in a hyundai, thats probably the only time you have compared it to something of equal value.

Post #55

I'm having trouble following your point. I never said the 4c competed with the 86 price-wise, just design-wise. It was B that started making quality comparisons.
The 370 launched at 73k, so the same price bracket.
And actually, modern Hyundais have MUCH nicer interiors than the '86.

Post #56

Also, I have several times on Boost given examples of cars in the same price segment as the '86 that are far better in all respects, and can do so again if you would like.

Post #57

No I wouldn't like because we have all heard it numerous times already. Your like a broken record...

Post #58

If you've heard it before, you know the answers. So why do you keep asking?

Post #59

Who gives a shit who likes it and who doesnt, whats its compared to etc... Everyone has their own tastes... i wouldnt own any of the cars mentioned in this thread!!!

Post #60

Yes, you would own a wagon, with a steam powered bicycle in the back. Then you would be arrested by ye olde constabulary for being an absynthe trafficker and thrown in the watch tower.

Post #61

huh.gif huh.gif

Post #62

QUOTE (wolfman101 @ Nov 5 2013, 03:30 PM) *
If you've heard it before, you know the answers. So why do you keep asking?

To be fair the only qurstion I asked in my second post was in regards to the price of a 370z. Just had a look through the thread, you seem to mention the 86 in most of your post which seems like a lot for someone who isnt comparing the two cars...

Post #63

Of all of them regardless of price, the 4C does look like an instant classic, not that I would own any of them , but if I had to, that would be it.

Hey Draven, pull up ye olde wagon by my cottage and I can give you some pieces of gold, some bushells of wormwood for a few jugs of Absinthe, lol

Post #64

lol VK... Deal!!!

Post #65

Mark, the only comparing I did with the 86 (apart from the initial noting of the silmilar design philosophies) was in response to B equating the 2. They are not on the same playing field, nor at their respective price points should they be.
I DID however spend plenty of time just BAGGING the 86( as I am wont to do) , which is something else entirely.

VK, there is only room for one mechanical wagon outside my stately abode, and I fear that Draven is occupying it currently.

Post #66

i would never pay 70k for a nissan 370z lol. even 50k is pushing it. for 70k you could get a 135i that would perform much much better and would be a better car to modify.

Post #67

QUOTE (wolfman101 @ Nov 5 2013, 03:56 PM) *

I have several times on Boost given examples of cars in the same price segment as the '86 that are far better in all respects,

and can do so again if you would like.

i haven't seen one NEW car that can....

Post #68

I have noticed one thing, a lot of people get cut when someone says they dont like the new 86 dunno.gif

Post #69

I had an old AE86 with 4AGE in it as a basher in Sweden during one winter trip, loved it to death, could pretend I was some kind of drifting and rally god, of which I am not, but a great little thrasher, felt like had much better performance that the Aussie delivered sprinters.

I think Toyota marketing are trying to play off on that old feelings, I have only driven the new 86 for a quick blast and it was nice enough, but I could have just been driving a corolla zzr, but there must be some attraction, there are a few on the road nowdays, I totally did not get the hype about them.

Post #70

I dont mind the look of the old school ones, look kinda neat, if i ever had one im sure i could have fun modding it lol

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