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Post #141

QUOTE (vk134 @ Nov 7 2013, 11:20 PM) *
Not sure whats going on with the site, but it appears that it is turning into "horsepower heaven", looks like best bets or Hayburner sales and the like has merged with boost

I find the best way for me to navigate this site,is to hit the 'Topic Activity' button,when I do now, there are 10 pages of horse related adverts,every time these people/person decide to spam the place.Why can't they be put in the side column ,like all of the other classifieds?Thanks.

Post #142

It was a mistake / error guys, of course this wasn't intentional.

Thank you for bringing our attention to it, the problem has now been resolved.

Post #143

Thanks, I thought it was only me being a nong, or the TAB gods had detected I had a punt on the Melbourne cup

The Governor
Post #144

What's with the new setup? all the offtopic forums rolled into 1 giant mixed thread?
Are we a Qld only forum now?

They way the fporum was up until the last couple of days was the best it has been since you started all the redesigning FB intergration McLeod.

Post #145

Unfortunately, every "Local" forum other than Queensland had no activity for several months.

I wanted to ditch the "Queensland" forum too... but it's been active for years... bit hard to get rid of it...

All the forum categories that were rolled into their main container category didn't have activity for 6+ weeks, so it's about tidying things up and removing the complexity.

The Governor
Post #146

Ohh I miss the 2007 era boost, the layout, the members, the gearboxes, all but memories now sad.gif

Post #147

I Look at it like a great adventure. After each change you try and find the things you usually know where they are..
Sometimes it takes a few minutes some times its takes hours. Sometimes you never find them sad.gif

Post #148

new layout for categories search is the best one yet.. i like it. well done.

Post #149

thank you for the positive feedback smile.gif

Post #150

Wot Doc sed

Thanks Mcleod,much more user friendly


Post #151

This site has changed almost beyond recognition.. I think It sucks that the boostclassifieds has all but totally overrun the community portion of the site. Sure, promoting boostclassifieds is fine but does it really need to be rammed down my throat. Their isn't even a decent home page now. Its all but completely boostclassifieds related..... I think the site has forgotten its roots, and the two entities of boost need to be kept more independent of each other.

Post #152

I don't know what your talking about Decoy ? You can clearly see the social aspect of boost in the green shaded area...
The red is adverts/classifieds.

Post #153

QUOTE (DECOY @ Dec 22 2013, 12:44 AM) *
This site has changed almost beyond recognition.. I think It sucks that the boostclassifieds has all but totally overrun the community portion of the site. Sure, promoting boostclassifieds is fine but does it really need to be rammed down my throat. Their isn't even a decent home page now. Its all but completely boostclassifieds related..... I think the site has forgotten its roots, and the two entities of boost need to be kept more independent of each other.

You cant blame Mcleod for the site "forgetting its roots" mate. Things have changed and just about every orig member has moved on for different reason and to be honest i dont see anything that could come close to filling those guys shoes. Mcleod has tried is ass off in getting the forum to come back to life but sometimes its just not gonna happen and you have to work with what you have.
And having a jibe at the advertisement is a f'king kick in the guts. Mcleod no dobt has forked out alot of money into this site so he has every dam right to get something back to help the site

If ya dont like it you can go tongue punch ya boyfriends fartbox

Post #154

On the contrary, what I've done with the homepage and navigation menu with making the classifieds a key part (rather than a background area) actually IS going back to the sites roots.

I've gone back to making the classifieds a key component for the automotive community, and have waved goodbye to having any non-automotive classifieds categories, whilst keeping the Events / Rides galleries at the forefront and bringing it all together with BoostCruising.

If you truly understand the 'roots' of this site, than you would appreciate that what has happened is winding back the clock and going back to the way things used to be.

The events galleries pre-date the forums, the 'cruising and events journal' (as it was once known) was the beginning of this site, long before the forum!

Unfortunately the forum is fading away, but the roots of this site are still strong :-)

Post #155

I apologise if my comments where received negatively. Obviously I appreciated the massive effort by Mcleod with the constant work (and expense) involved in keeping a site like this up. Regardless of how it evolves I will always be a regular visitor to this site, as I have been for the past 11 years..

As for your comments Tweak. You have obviously miss interpreted what I have tried to say. If you had taken the time to read my post carefully you would have noticed that I'm more than happy for there to be an advertising presence. All I was suggesting was that maybe it be toned down alittle, and that more community content be in its place on the home page.

Lastly. Maybe its due to colourful attitudes like yours Mr Tweak, that long term (or short term) members may want seek there local automotive forum experience elsewhere without the narrow minded ass clowns such as yourself making inappropriate comments that are completely childish and unwanted by the general forum community.

Post #156

Well said

Special k
Post #157

I'm having the last word drop from posts from mobile again.
my last 3 posts in my shitbox rally thread all dropped the last word.

Post #158

What phone/device/browser?

I don't experience the problem you describe myself or had anyone else mention it, so I'll need to know more about what you're using.

Special k
Post #159

Samsung Galaxy s3. stock

Special k
Post #160


Special k
Post #161

browser browser

a small other bug with the title bar after posting mobile as well. Just got a screen shot that I'll post up with more details as to what's happening this afternoon when I get home.

Special k
Post #162

ok, so, when i post a reply from mobile (Galaxy s3, stock browser), at first the post shows in it's entirety. But the top bar, which is usually pinned to the top of the screen, isn't pinned. so when i scroll back to the top of the page, its just a white blank bar, as shown in the pic.
so i refresh to get it back, and then the last word in my post is gone.

for instance when i replied to you in this thread earlier, i said galaxy s3, stock browser.
but "browser" dropped off.

hope this helps

Post #163

Thanks for the detail, I'll dig into it during the week.

Post #164

Nothing positive to say, this is the worst version of the site I have ever seen. I hate everything about the main page which only seems to be classifieds 'yay'. Even the 1% of car related threads that I click, there seems to be something wrong with the photo viewer which never cycles through the pictures so you can't view anything large besides image #1. Even the active topics lack anything worthwhile, seems this site has run its course (at least for me) as there really is nothing to keep me coming back to check anymore. Which is a far cry from years ago when there was enough going on to keep me entertained for an hour or so.

Post #165

QUOTE (Burch @ Jan 8 2014, 05:27 AM) *
Nothing positive to say, this is the worst version of the site I have ever seen. I hate everything about the main page which only seems to be classifieds 'yay'. Even the 1% of car related threads that I click, there seems to be something wrong with the photo viewer which never cycles through the pictures so you can't view anything large besides image #1. Even the active topics lack anything worthwhile, seems this site has run its course (at least for me) as there really is nothing to keep me coming back to check anymore. Which is a far cry from years ago when there was enough going on to keep me entertained for an hour or so.


Thank you for your feedback.

I personally haven't heard of anyone experiencing the problem that you describe with the image galleries.

Any chance you could help me out to work out what's wrong so that I can fix it?

What browser and version are you using?

It would be really helpful if you could copy/paste the output from this page so that I can investigate further.


Post #166

For the record, I tend to agree that the homepage may have gone a bit "too far" with being focussed on classifieds content, I'll try and sway the scales a little bit more towards cruising whilst still being strongly classifieds focussed (as that's what most people who visit this site are here to see).

Post #167

I was going to say add another row of gallery thumbnails, but I didn't realise that if you leave it for 5 seconds, the row changes to other galleries. TBH, burch is just butthurt. The site needs to (80%) focus on the income/unique visitor sides of things. Either that or a "crash and burn" scenario will occur.

Post #168

Yeah the slideshow of going through more entries was a nice idea but I think people miss it / don't notice...

I won't be going back to having 6 - 8 rows, but two rows is what I'm working on at the moment...

I absolutely need to look after what "most" people are on the site for, and that truly is the classifieds (even thought the car enthusiast within me doesn't like it).

Special k
Post #169

QUOTE (Mcleod @ Jan 4 2014, 08:57 PM) *
Thanks for the detail, I'll dig into it during the week.

I think i saw someone posting/testing the Android browser during the week if i'm correct.
In any case, since then the posts i've made from mobile seem to be working well!

Post #170

There's a bug right now. Mass New topic notification, I have about 400 emails from the one thread and climbing...can't stop it as far as I know.

Thread with over 400 notifications.

Post #171

over 14000 email notifications since 2am, still going.....

Post #172

Thank you, I'm looking into it...

Post #173

35000 emails since 2am, possibly stopped at 5:03 this arvo

Post #174

Very sorry, I wish I had an explanation, it's rather embarrassing!

Post #175

It's still happening but not as many per hour, only 3800 since 5pm. I can't even find where to turn off subscriptions these days.

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