My Plan To Fix Australia  

Street Tuned
  • Street Tuned
  • Boostcruisings JDM Parts Specialist
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Post #1 post 29th November 2013 - 10:49 AM
Ok so first of all I'm not an economist or accountant. But it doesn't take an expert to see Australia is heading down a dangerous and uncompetitive path with government deficits and over taxation to funds these deficits. Essential services are being cut Australia wide and Australians are working harder and longer but with less purchasing power than ever before. One only needs to look at our various taxes and our high cost of living to see that.

So I have thought about this little (not into too much depth) on how I would get Australia not only back into the black but also set up a standard of living for every Australian very high with giving every Australian the freedom and time to do what they want.

IMO our biggest resource we are squandering. Our government is fighting over mining tax or carbon tax or what ever the hell it might be at the time in a effort to get the scraps or the left overs from our Mining boom. Then they tax the living shit out of the workers just to get a little more.

Feel free to rip my plan to shreds, it isn't in too much detail just a broad outline. Keep in mind the end goal is to make Australians all comfortable enough that we can chose to work or not, and have real choice on how we work.

Step 1. Nationalise The Mines.
Just like in the middle east we need to bring back our greatest asset which is our natural resources back to the public domain. So we all can benefit from it. Now considering so many American, British and European corporations own large parcels of our land along with our own Australian corporations we need to look into what options we have to buy back our land and put it into the governments hands. Failing that I propose a 99.99% mining tax. Where almost all mining proceeds are taxed. Eventually all the corporations that had their chance to sell their mine back to the Australian government will go broke, shut down and abandon the mines. Eventually, provided I'm not lobbied and voted out at the next election the mines will be back in public hands.

Step 2. Profit from the Mines.
Gold, Coal, Iron Ore, LNG, Oil you name it we have it. Set up government corporations owned entirely by the government (and the Australian people) to own and operate the mines. Have the SAME people running the projects that we do now. Head hunt the ones left over. No one is losing their job they are just simply working for a different corporation.
Make all salaries from Mining jobs Tax free. For more remedial work bring in Indian and Asian workforce and camp them out in the desert. Pay them f**k all (like they did in Dubai) but good compared to what they have at home. This will cut running costs massively. Hell pay the remaining Australian local operators even more.

Step 3. Invest Profits
One only needs to look at the profits of BHP and the personal wealth of Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer too see after a short while things will be running along smoothly(ish) These corporations however won't, But hey that's capitalism. Now that the federal government is receiving BILLIONS if not Trillions of more dollars without taxing Australians or increasing the cost of living it is time to invest our profits.

After some short term fix ups like helping a bit in health care etc. Start a new Government Bank to compete with the big major 4 banks. Because as well all know aside from Mining companies Banks make a f**king killing too. Offer competitive rates and packages to the big 4 but dont squeeze them out of the market, just shake up the market. This will help everyone with home loans, personal loans and banking and make our Banking sector ultra competitive. Benefit = End Consumer - YOU.

However it won't be long until our own Kangaroo Government Bank is making Billion dollar quarterly profits like the CBA, ANZ, National or Westpac. Keep in mind just like the mines, our government bank isnt run by Government type people. We will employ the world best business people and bankers to run it for us. Just like a privately owned bank would.

Step 4. Everyone benefit.
So now the Australian government is running its own mines and has its own profitable bank. The next step is to buy back public infrastructure. Buying back our Ports, Our Rail ways, Our roads, Our Power Companies etc. This will also help with the bottom line.

With these funds I would look at either removing the personal federal Income tax altogether. Like they have in oil rich nations. Increase GST to perhaps 20% (everyone should pay tax) and look at lowering corporate tax to 20%. Get rid of stamp duty and payroll tax.

Have a serious look at what other taxes we now no longer need or where we can cut back.

This over night will bring the cost of living down and make Australian businesses way more competitive on a world scale.

Step 5. Fix Shit
Pump our new found funds into health care providing for all old people, build state of the art housing for the aging (built by our new found cheap labor).

Free Schooling for everyone, Government payed Tafe and University. Allow young people no matter who they are to become what they really want. Not just another white collar slave shackled in student loans. All the way to a PHD level with no time or cost cap. If it takes a while for someone to find their passion then so be it. This is all about giving all Australians the ability to truly find out who they want to be and what they want to know.

Step 6. Prosper.
With low taxes, fantastic education and a state of the art healthcare industry Australia will grow and attract some of the world smartest and brightest. And perhaps lazy too, but that is ok. The point is people have a real choice how they live their lives.
The smart ones will prosper and innovate. We can build a cost is no option internet network and build our own 'Silicon Valley'. Build and develop our own Hollywood and entertainment scene.

Big international production companies will love Australia's natural environment and our new found low costs and low cost of living.

Really at this stage your mind is your own limitation. The government is sorted out running at a surplus without taxing the hell out of you or your business. You now have the education to really do something that inspires you not just have to get a job to pay the bills. Or an easy going country where if you don't want to you don't have to.

We will have the cheap workforce to do our most menial jobs, or Australians can do them to. And instead of being disposable bar tenders, mechanics or check out chicks Australians can spend their time painting, working and developing the performing arts, building an amazing tech sector, designing some of the worlds greatest architecture, get on the forefront of the medical field and make a difference in the world, develop green clean energies that will benefit the world more so than any emissions trading scheme EVER could. The world would really be your oyster. Or you can just chill on the beach and do yoga knowing full well social welfare is still there only it is funded by our resources and businesses not Yours and Mine tax dollars. All guilt free mind you just like someone would enjoy passive income from a business or investment property.

Ok so that is my Socialist Capitalist plan on how to fix Australia. We Nationalise what the government should own then get the f**k out of the way of business in areas it should have little to do with.

I understand that this plan doesn't address somethings namely inflation and wont prices go higher if everyone has more money. Well lower taxation and the government getting out of the way of business hopefully will make for a proper competitive business environment where prices are even more competitive and the cost of doing business is lower so lower prices can be enjoyed by all.

Ferraris for everyone!!

This post has been edited by Street Tuned: Nov 29 2013, 11:30 AM

Go to school, Get good grades, Get a Job, Go to Work, Get Married, Have some Kids, Pay your Taxes, Pay your Bills, Watch your Tv, Follow Fashion, Act Normal and Consume all you can,

Above all else OBEY THE LAW and repeat after me: 'I AM FREE!'

Post #2

I'lll admit I stopped reading at step 4 sad.gif
Why ? Because it sounds like a logical plan that actually helps the country as a whole, which means no person or group in government would ever go for it.

Instead we'll keep punishing the people who work hard, reward the dropkicks of society, Raise Government salaries every 3 months. As long as Julia, Rudd, Howard have their pension packages at the end of their term who gives a dick if they root this country up a little more every 3 years.

Post #3

you would probably get assassinated by the globalist pigs for even mentioning step 1. either way good plan.

Post #4

I like what you are proposing and it all sounds great but the fundamental issue in all of this is the CAPITAL to get these kind of works underway.

This has been the issue since first settlement, Capital then came by the way of the wealthy English lords providing the startup for vast land holdings and in return received a great reward for their investment, most heading back to England in produce and gold.

The Commonwealth bank was started as a means to address this issue and provide much needed local working capital, but we have seen since deregulation and privatisation of the banking sector how that has all gone.

The way to turn this around using the resources we have is to take the unpopular Nuclear path, Australian Uranium , transported on trains using Australian natural gas, the energy used to process the Australian Bauxite and turn it into pure Aluminium to be exported or turned into componentry for Vehicles and Aircraft as well as other high tech applications. The demand for Scientists, Physicists, Engineers, Designers etc would be huge.

Nuclear waste can be disposed of in the Woomera area, proven place, we could take the worlds nuclear waste, it is that secure and geologically stable. Most of the Nuclear facilities can be built in more remote coastal locations close to existing ports. Australia needs cheap power and more water to survive.

As for Taxation, Fk knows, everyone issues with a birth number from day 1, DOB plus 8 digits, this is the number for Tax, medicare or any gov interaction, delete all the layers of drones, databases and systems. Filling out a form is a simple add a number, click to confirm details.

The Taxation system in Australia is really a fn balls up, some many self serving types to just keep it that way, why not a flat 20% for ALL with a $20k tax free threshold,,who really knows.

All I do know is the next big target is the fat trillions of dollars in Superannuation, the current and prev Goverment are seriously looking at ways they can access it for their own shortfalls, think Cypress..........

Post #5

if you promise to fire/execute the majority of traffic cops you have my vote

Street Tuned
Post #6

Spot saved - I will edit this in a little bit with my rebuttle to VKs comment (cheers for the input by the way, I like most of what you are saying)

Post #7

I say revolution or coup.. throw them all out. forcibly (as the people) take back foreign owned land.
let teh country suffer for 2-3yrs from the vacuum.. then we start doing what was suggested. the thing that sucks is that all these deals are made and 'contracts' laid out and the gov has to follow it while private business rorts it. time to kick them out and take ownership back to the nation, who cares who these 'murdochs' are...

time for me to get shot for suggesting such a radical move.

The Governor
Post #8

Why not make a tax system like they have in China. Zero income tax for those earning under $100k and those above on a sliding scale (so the high paying execs get pay the tax they deserve with theor multi million $ wages)
But to counteract the no income tax, you raise the GST on goods to about 15% give or take.
Because if you earne that extra $150 a week by not paying tax you are now more likely to spend it at the shops and you can afford the slightly more expensive products now because you have that extra cash in your pocket.
Thus the circle of earn-spend continues.

Post #9

Not to sound like a broken record, but sliding scale taxation in a means-tested support system is fundamentally unjust.
Raise the threshold, and tax all equally.
Aside from main problem with your view is that it is just far too ethnocentric. A whole lot of "bring control back to Australians" and so on. I long ago gave up on that kind of nationalist rhetoric.
The sooner we all realise that we are not just competing with Bazza down the street, but also with Achmed in Sri Lanka, the better.
The world will never again be what it was.
We live in a global marketplace now, not a local one.
I have a hard time valuing an Australian job over a foreign one-they are all just jobs, and they all just go to people.
A country should play to its strengths, and compete in the global marketplace. Sometimes that means not getting hung up on things like outsourcing or foreign ownership.

Post #10

Key points wolfie brought up , Raise the threshold, and tax all equally., A country should play to its strengths, and compete in the global marketplace.

I think when I hit the upper limit back when I was 26, I was fkn pissed to lose half of my OT working late to watch bogan deadshits spending money they had just be freely given, I fn swear I nearly ran them over , could have blamed it on fatigue after 6 / 14 hour days for the prev few months.

I really cannot give a toss where the jobs are, yet dealing day in and day out with the utter fk up that is outsourced offshore technical support, I am shattered at what degree of fwit logic they employ.

Post #11

Bring in the 40mm cannon policy. If you come here by boat with out correct paper work then its a 40mm round to the hull. Do it so they have enough time to turn around and go home but not enough to continue to aus

Post #12

I think the whole boat people / refugee issue is just a diversionary tactic to stop having to address the real issue of the growing class of 3rd generation welfare shitboxes, we pay for everything of these tards lives.

But refugees should be accepted with a proviso, if you are convicted of any serious crime the penalty is 24 hour deportation to the claimed country of origin, all assets forfeit to the crown, that may sharpen the shonky ones focus.

Post #13

we seem to be putting Millions into other countries for no "thank you" or even a gesture and then get told we are bad people.
Yet we have people who have served in the armed forces and protected this country who are so poor and UN-supported that they go with out 3 meals a day.
Australia is to busy trying to impress the world and ignores the foundation it was built on

Post #14

seriously boat people is the biggest non-issue. the majority of people claiming refugee status arrive by plane, and only about half of those are granted asylum, whereas the few that do come by boat, about 90% of them are. I can't see why everyone is so fixated on them

Post #15

Because its a distraction from bigger issues Matt smile.gif

Post #16

Agreed Tim, too much spin doctoring and it seems the latest gov is not much better, what fn hope is there for the future.

Post #17

The faster i can learn to speak Swedish the better. that country has its shit together

Post #18

I'll vote for you as long as you promise to provide mountain roads without police for car enthusiasts to enjoy.

Post #19

As for Sweden, It is all going to shit there in the regional areas, the price of fuel and heating costs are bending people over, cities are fine, but the migrant issues are creeping in with muslim ghettos funded by generous welfare system.

To live on the magnificent west coast of Sweden, but work in Norway is a great way to get ahead, many of the wifes relatives do this, Swedes used to shop in Norway in the 90's, now it is the other way around, massive shops on the borders.

Post #20


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