Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Twat In The Hat
Post #2171

You know what a smart person would do? Drive off. They follow you? Make to your local police station.

If you can't defend yourself with your fists, then you can't defend yourself. It's that simple. Having a knife isn't going to stop anyone doing sh!t to you or your car. The only way to avoid it, is to GTFO. Are you willing to stab someone and possibly take their life? Then you shouldn't carry a weapon. Do not carry around something you aren't willing to use.

So basically, if you aren't willing to use it, and are carrying it around to keep you 'safe' (note: most people who carry around a weapon and yank it out of their car in a road rage incident - whether it be a bat, a knife or a crowbar - are willing to use it. Flashing a knife that you're too afraid to use will only further aggravate the situation) then you're a terry tough bitch.

If you ARE willing to use it, in a situation that 99.9% of the times can be avoided by keeping calm and being the bigger person, or by driving off when sh!t hits the fan, then you're a dumb arse and I hope (sincerely) that you are never in a situation where you have to actually follow through with your actions. Most of the stuff you post on boost is decent sh!t, you're a good egg, but carrying a weapon around in your car is never ok (as you said)

/end rant laugh.gif

Post #2172

Any of you guys ever watched Judge Judy or watched the news ?

In the event of road rage YOU STAY IN YOUR CAR ! (safest spot)

If needs be you run the rager over, don't try & duke it out with him/her..

Too many people with too little common sense posting here

herp a derp hth

Post #2173

Need to re type

Post #2174

QUOTE (Twat In The Hat @ Nov 18 2012, 10:42 AM) *
You know what a smart person would do? Drive off. They follow you? Make to your local police station.

If you can't defend yourself with your fists, then you can't defend yourself. It's that simple. Having a knife isn't going to stop anyone doing sh!t to you or your car. The only way to avoid it, is to GTFO. Are you willing to stab someone and possibly take their life? Then you shouldn't carry a weapon. Do not carry around something you aren't willing to use.

So basically, if you aren't willing to use it, and are carrying it around to keep you 'safe' (note: most people who carry around a weapon and yank it out of their car in a road rage incident - whether it be a bat, a knife or a crowbar - are willing to use it. Flashing a knife that you're too afraid to use will only further aggravate the situation) then you're a terry tough bitch.

If you ARE willing to use it, in a situation that 99.9% of the times can be avoided by keeping calm and being the bigger person, or by driving off when sh!t hits the fan, then you're a dumb arse and I hope (sincerely) that you are never in a situation where you have to actually follow through with your actions. Most of the stuff you post on boost is decent sh!t, you're a good egg, but carrying a weapon around in your car is never ok (as you said)

/end rant laugh.gif

Can you defend yourself with your fists against someone with a weapon, or multiple aggressors? Would you not do whats required to protect your partner or family should there be no way out? What happens if you try to drive away, and end up trapped in a one way street or traffic and they followed you? I suppose you're a Krav Maga master now? You know you can attack someone with a knife with no intention of killing them, there's alot more movements than just stabbing, such as slashing and nick cuts designed to maim, but you wouldn't know the different between say targetting the shoulder as opposed to the wrist or other arterial bottlenecks. And as for blunt weapons, a slap to the knees is the easiest, least lethal way to go. Leave the head and arteies alone, no intention to kill, easy.

Seriously man, how can you not understand the meaning of 'last resort'? You're post is so full of sh!t, you reckon you've got every situation down pat as if everyone is predictable like a script. Its rules of engagement, escalation etc. If some dick is coming at you and you flash a weapon and they think twice and go home, then all good. If they keep coming or there's more of them like hyenas, then its fight or flight. Some people dont listen to negotiating, some people thrive off other's suffering. As said, if you're trapped with nowhere to run and no authorities in proximity, then defend yourself to the required degree, its so simple.

Post #2175

Twat is right. As much as it kills me to say it.

Anyone who has done martial arts knows how to remove a knife off someone who is just using it s self defense. All of a sudden that knife that was meant to defend you is now being used against you by someone with a lot more skill than yourself.

Nek minit - cardiac arrest.

Twat In The Hat
Post #2176

If you seriously go around believing that what you have just described is a possibility, then you should just wrap yourself in cotton wool. Multiple aggressors? Please, tell me how your 6" blade is going to defend you from a group of people. Unless you're a drug dealer or a bikie or anything else ot that extent, you're not going to end up being chased. My post is full of sh!t? Wow. I'm not the one living in a hollywood blockbuster.

Best parts of your post are "Leave the head and arteries alone, no intention to kill, easy" and "defend yourself to the required degree, it's so simple"

You're trying so hard to be gangsta but I could almost guarantee that if someone even threatened to kick your arse without a weapon, you would cry and possibly even piss/sh!t yourself (literally).

Post #2177

You havent got the slightest idea how society is these days do you? You cant even separate intent from last resort, absolutely pathetic. And you've described yourself, not me, I stand my ground because I'm not a coward, however I'm not an instigator or trouble maker. Compared to you though, removing your spine and growing a tail to put it between your legs. You would've been the shittest cop ever.

Maybe watch this and wake up to yourself you turkey

And now come up with more bullshit how politics and negotiating can save everyone lol what a joke.

Twat In The Hat
Post #2178

Yes, I can totally see how that video (from the USA) relates to a possible road rage scenario. Maybe post another of an armed bank robbery too? I have never backed away from a physical fight, however I am not ashamed to say that I have driven away from a nutcase on a few occasions. Coming home to my family is and always will be more important than trying to teach some moron a lesson.

Post #2179

QUOTE (Twat In The Hat @ Nov 18 2012, 02:40 PM) *
Yes, I can totally see how that video (from the USA) relates to a possible road rage scenario. Maybe post another of an armed bank robbery too? I have never backed away from a physical fight, however I am not ashamed to say that I have driven away from a nutcase on a few occasions. Coming home to my family is and always will be more important than trying to teach some moron a lesson.

The video was a respone to you saying oh please to multiple aggressors, he took them on, I dont see 1 guy with a bat against 7 an advantage at all but he did it, and good on him. I'm not talking about teaching someone a lesson, talking about defending yourself, your family, and whats yours should there be no way out. Your family might be with you in this moment. I've run too when outnumbered or odds heavily against me/ disadvantages. But when my family, friends, and partner are involved, there's reason for it. Its almost primal. Hence the bolded, you didnt reply to them, what would you do if there was no way out and you had your family with you?

QUOTE (VersionR @ Nov 18 2012, 02:11 PM) *
Can you defend yourself with your fists against someone with a weapon, or multiple aggressors? Would you not do whats required to protect your partner or family should there be no way out? What happens if you try to drive away, and end up trapped in a one way street or traffic and they followed you? I suppose you're a Krav Maga master now? You know you can attack someone with a knife with no intention of killing them, there's alot more movements than just stabbing, such as slashing and nick cuts designed to maim, but you wouldn't know the different between say targetting the shoulder as opposed to the wrist or other arterial bottlenecks. And as for blunt weapons, a slap to the knees is the easiest, least lethal way to go. Leave the head and arteies alone, no intention to kill, easy.

Seriously man, how can you not understand the meaning of 'last resort'? You're post is so full of sh!t, you reckon you've got every situation down pat as if everyone is predictable like a script. Its rules of engagement, escalation etc. If some dick is coming at you and you flash a weapon and they think twice and go home, then all good. If they keep coming or there's more of them like hyenas, then its fight or flight. Some people dont listen to negotiating, some people thrive off other's suffering. As said, if you're trapped with nowhere to run and no authorities in proximity, then defend yourself to the required degree, its so simple.

QUOTE (TwinCam16 @ Nov 18 2012, 02:16 PM) *
Twat is right. As much as it kills me to say it.

Anyone who has done martial arts knows how to remove a knife off someone who is just using it s self defense. All of a sudden that knife that was meant to defend you is now being used against you by someone with a lot more skill than yourself.

Nek minit - cardiac arrest.

They're examples though, not specific scenarios. Most people who are trained, know their limits of control. If they were to disarm you or vice versa, that'd more than likely be the wake up call of 'oh sh!t, now I know who I'm funking with'. And most know that martial arts is considered a weapon and can bring disrepute upon their school. But its just examples.

Post #2180

Just made a thread in off topic for everyone here to rant/vent/extol their prowess/better sensibilities in > kgo !

Post #2181

Anyway instead of going completely offtopic, my raw point was that there's infinite variables that you simply cant anticipate, and in my opinion it doesnt hurt to have something to assist you in a potential altercation should something ever arise, as long as its a last resort to negotiating or evading, and not a firestarter belonging to a road rage-aholic. Better to have something you dont need, as opposed to not having something you do need.

Post #2182

woops - wrong thread !

Post #2183

QUOTE (phoenixbonsor @ Nov 17 2012, 04:29 PM) *
thumbsup.gif you haven't been to the gold coast, have you squidward?

I've been to the Gold Coast hundreds of times, never have I needed a machete. You're doing it wrong phaggot.

Post #2184

QUOTE (VersionR @ Nov 18 2012, 02:07 PM) *
Anyway instead of going completely offtopic, my raw point was that there's infinite variables that you simply cant anticipate, and in my opinion it doesnt hurt to have something to assist you in a potential altercation should something ever arise, as long as its a last resort to negotiating or evading, and not a firestarter belonging to a road rage-aholic. Better to have something you dont need, as opposed to not having something you do need.

Or you could just lock your doors, wind up windows and drive away.

Post #2185

This happened tonight in Rockhampton Northside Plaza car park... laugh.gif


Post #2186

Marina Mirage last weekend.

Good on the Kia I say. I hate people who double park to avoid being parked near

Twat In The Hat
Post #2187

^^^ Man that shits me. If I was the Kia driver I would have parked even closer so the other guy would have to climb through the passenger side.

Post #2188

QUOTE (aerosport @ Dec 16 2012, 08:55 PM) *
Marina Mirage last weekend.

Good on the Kia I say. I hate people who double park to avoid being parked near

Haha good on them! I would have done the exact same thing, but got as close to their driver's side door as I could tongue.gif

Old Style
Post #2189

Ahhh Logan. I refuse to leave simply because of the neverending parade of idiots I see every day; they make my life seem somehow....'fuller'.

Such as these specimens. They found a mattress which was lacking pee stains commonly found on the side of the road. It is in plastic which would suggest that they bought it new?

Leaving that conundrum aside, I followed old mate for a (short!) distance before changing lanes for obvious reasons. What does one do with no ladder racks, rope or roof racks to get a mattress home fast? (and they were doing 70 km/h). Get the rear occupants to secure the load...

I am told that this is a regular occurance if one sits outside Ikea Logan. Joy.

Post #2190

hate arseholes that do this, would've given the motorbike owner high 5 if I saw him.

Post #2191

QUOTE (ajaay. @ Dec 16 2012, 10:14 PM) *
hate arseholes that do this, would've given the motorbike owner high 5 if I saw him.

LOL. High 5's all round indeed!

Post #2192

i dont usually post crap in this thread but today on the way home..........seriously !!!

silver Camry, late 90's model, stickers all over the bootlid and 1 large sticker on the rear window, that said ,"NINJA IT"

anyways, it goes a little something like this......

Driving home from work, I am in the merge lane at Nudgee northbound, this camry comes up beside me, gets in front, sounds his horn and then moves over into the merging lane, half blocking it and the lane he was in....... I was like, WTF?, sat behind him for a few seconds and went around him, he hits the horn again and I look in the rear vision mirror and see this little prick, going off! At what, I don't know.

I merge into the flow of traffic ahead and next think I know this guy is next to me, his passenger windows all up, mouth going like some stupid silent movie and holding his phone up, apparently recording me!...ahhh what? I say, "What? What's your problem?" He is still mouthing like a silent film at me.....the traffic moves him on from me but as all stop start traffic goes I catch up to him. I move over closer to his car and ask him, by sign language to roll his window down so I can ask what the problem is.....he refuses and still mouthing at me and holding his phone up recording. I then grab my phone and say, Look, I have one to!

The traffic in my lane moved along so I said, Bye with a cheery wave but wouldn't you know it, he catches up to me and this time his window is down, so I yell out, Whats the problem?.....His response, " c**t!" with the obligatory finger. NIce smile.gif.....THEN......and this is my favourite part, he gets all gangster on me and pretends he is pointing a gun at me with his hand.....oh ho, that gave me a good giggle, the next thing he hits the brakes and locks it up, probably because he was about to hit the traffic in front of him and moves in behind a distance I must add, which I thought, "great, boondall exit is up here, he can exit with me and we can pull over and discuss his problem.", so I did and moved over to the shoulder and pulled up to wait for him.......what did he do? why he kept on driving along the arterial........mostly dissappointed as I still do not know what his problem is.

Anyways, if you or your mates read this, 101IRR, silver camry, get back to me, I'm curious as to what your problem with me is/was

p.s hoons hotline is a hoot to call smile.gif

Post #2193

Lady the other day coming down anzac avenue back into Redcliffe the traffic usually moves pretty fast (80 km/h zone) then stops suddenly because of the traffic lights, anyway a lady driving a nissan patrol is just texting away on her phone then to my shock she turns around to start talking to her young kids in the back seat before turning back to her phone and repeating this for some time. I am highly surprised she didn't rear end someone as she would have barely been watching traffic.

Post #2194

50-GAR or GAR-50 license plate. Last week I finished night shift heading back towards the Gold Coast, Was in the far right lane overtaking someone and I almost got to the front of the cars when this car with GAR-50 50-GAR doesn't indicate or anything and swerves in front of me missing my car by about 1 metre. I had to swerve right very close to the barrier and let the stupid b!tch pass, I then catched up to her and looked and put my arms up like WTF was that? She then put up her pinky and did that wave. To this day I want to find that car. /End rant.

Post #2195

QUOTE (aerosport @ Dec 16 2012, 08:55 PM) *
Marina Mirage last weekend.

Good on the Kia I say. I hate people who double park to avoid being parked near

That looks very much like my old Audi unsure.gif

Post #2196

Not in QLD, but LOL @ this cocksmoker


the shadow
Post #2197

QUOTE (NuckingFuts @ Dec 26 2012, 09:18 AM) *
Not in QLD, but LOL @ this cocksmoker


Lol Soooo true..

Couldnt beleive a young female on the Princess highway driving on cruise control sitting on the seat with her legs crossed while smoking a cigarette. It just defies all logic and common sense, I guess they are called gen Y because the rest of us are wondering "WHY"?

I would of keyed the fcuk out of the black Audi.

I live on a main road and to access my drive way is on the downhill of a 2 lane road, I live about 3/4 down the block, so when I pass the top end of the block I indicate and start to slow down gradually applying more brake as I approach my driveway, It amazes me at how many people don't back off once I indicate and start to slow down, I get to my driveway and almost need to completly stop ( I definatly would if I wan't in a lidted 4wd) to make the turn without hitting my brick fence, and nearly clean me up while entering my drive way.

Post #2198

at logan near the new woolworths and maccas today, a red p-plater in a bright green, bogan spec commodore planted his POS while going around a corner already doing 60, almost hitting me and the car parked behind me.

FUNNY THING IS i have seen him do a skid in daylight before while performing an illegal uturn

Post #2199

A bunch of low breeds down at Springwood macca's. Was stopping through on the way home,sitting at the drive through and 3 cars [Red shitty oldish corolla,silver pos corolla newish and some shit pusher in a 2 door rust bucket micra] decided it would be cool to hurl rotten eggs at my partners car,shows that L[B]ogan really hasn't changed from all the cum stains being bred.

Post #2200

QUOTE (Dai. @ Dec 28 2012, 12:45 AM) *
A bunch of low breeds down at Springwood macca's. Was stopping through on the way home,sitting at the drive through and 3 cars [Red shitty oldish corolla,silver pos corolla newish and some shit pusher in a 2 door rust bucket micra] decided it would be cool to hurl rotten eggs at my partners car,shows that L[B]ogan really hasn't changed from all the cum stains being bred.

How long ago was this?. Was there tonight and everything was pretty well behaved up untill majority left?.

Post #2201

Roughly 12:30 ish.

Post #2202

When: 11:00 PM 27th

Where: Between Browns Plains and Green Road on the Mt Lindesay HWY

Details: Black Great wall POS plates ONO-30

So last night i was driving up the mt lindesay hwy doing the speed limit when i see up ahead this black POS sitting in the right lane while cars are having to pass on the left, anyways i eventually caught up to this car and was just past her front bumper when another car come from an on ramp up ahead and i noticed he was going slow, so i tried to speed up to put some distance between my rear bumper and this other cars front bumper so i didnt look like a total ass and didnt cut her off. Well when my car kicked back a gear and the exhuast note changed, this dumb bitches eyes must have glazed over as she seen i had P plates and she thought it was her duty to make sure i wasnt speeding (of which i was probably doing 85 to get past her at this point) so now obviously enraged that a car with teenagers in it was trying to pass her she puts her highbeams on and then races up beside us (ive now given up on trying to pass this stupid woman and backed off to the speed limit) after a few seconds i notice something out of the corner of my eye, the driver of the black POS was holding her wallet up at me in what i think was an attempt to look like a police officer, then with her other hand started pointing me to the side of the road signaling me to pull over. once she thinks her job is done, and shes *sarcasm* saved the community from a dangerous hoon * (who drives a car that can barely touch 110kph bowrofl.gif ) she merges infront of me and continues on untill she turns off on green road probably thinking she's the shit because she stopped some hoon menace or some crap.

so ill just silently wait here until i find out ive been reported to hoon hotline for having P plates mamoru.gif

Post #2203

QUOTE (civ.wreck @ Sep 17 2012, 10:24 PM) *
i wasnt 'keeping middle' - 3 lanes, i was in the far right over taking lane doing approx. 105km/h when astra tailgates for a second before 'hitting boost' on the left, swings back into our lane with us still in it and slams us into the central concrete barrier (his driver rear quarter panel and wheel hits my passenger side front wheel and guard causing me to lose control. no way he didn't notice smashing us since the impact totally caved in my front guard leaving his white paint and tyre tread embeded where he made contact... the fact he momentarily lost control then kept driving fleeing the scene of a crime is sure sign he has something to hide.

While I do not condone his actions, the simple rule of "KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING" would of had both of you travelling home safely that night.
I see it day in, day out, yet they focus on speeding etc, only Austalians can cluster up a 4 lane road like the M1 etc.

Post #2204

I read it as he was in the right lane doing 105 BECAUSE he WAS overtaking dancingcool.gif - doh ! facepalm.jpg

Post #2205

I read it as if there is room for a mad kent to overtake you on the left, you should fn be in that spot, just let the fkrs go

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