Useless Drivers Spotted In Qld - better than spotting hot cars. name and shame shocking driving skills&  

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Post #281

Three Stooges in a Silver Holden Astra (Late Model) and yes with Red P plates swerving all over the road heading up Nerang Broadbeach Rd this afternoon.. Almost took the ass end off a spanking new xr6 typhoon due to the way he was swerving as if he was some sort of rally wannabe.

Pulled up next to them and they were all off their chops.... Natural Selection!!

Post #282

Saw a Mitsubishi magna wagon today on the M1 with an XR6 badge on the rear...

i laughed and i took a photo, but i dont think its clear enough to see the badge phone camera isnt great, ill have a look if its visible ill upload it.

edit: its very pix-elated, upload anyway ?

Post #283

people who manage to crash on highways.....
its a pretty straight road.
how? is my question

Post #284

the dick that tried to merge into the side of my car on board st heading towards sandgate..
two lanes and only me and him on the road, as i was overtaking and right next to him? what the fuck!

Post #285

Who: P-plater in a white hilux.

Where: Discovery drive in Helensvale, I was turning left into Tanunda Dr & he was turning right into Tanunda Dr from the opposite lane of traffic.
Instead of waiting for me to take the corner he decided to just turn in at the same time as me, except using the right side of the road and then cutting me off.

Kinda wish he hit me TBH.. would've loved to know what the fuck he was thinking when he decided it was a good idea..

Diagram to help the story..

Post #286

QUOTE (timbo_330 @ Jul 18 2010, 08:55 PM) *
people who manage to crash on highways.....
its a pretty straight road.
how? is my question

A popped tyre, animal running across, some bit of wood or metal over road, engine problems, people getting distracted, aqua-planeing (or however you spell it)

There are several reasons mate, alot is happening on the highway so it is very easy for something to happen....

Post #287

QUOTE (timbo_330 @ Jul 18 2010, 09:55 PM) *
people who manage to crash on highways.....
its a pretty straight road.
how? is my question

Try sitting on a highway for an a while by yourself. You get tired pretty easy.

+ The southbank exit always backs up peak hour Kilometers back from the turn off.
Traveling 80 kp/h with a car beside you, not realizing all the cars are stopped in front.

Post #288

Keep left unless overtaking, It's not that fucking hard.

Post #289

QUOTE (WizardHat @ Jul 18 2010, 10:29 PM) *
Who: P-plater in a white hilux.

Where: Discovery drive in Helensvale, I was turning left into Tanunda Dr & he was turning right into Tanunda Dr from the opposite lane of traffic.
Instead of waiting for me to take the corner he decided to just turn in at the same time as me, except using the right side of the road and then cutting me off.

Kinda wish he hit me TBH.. would've loved to know what the fuck he was thinking when he decided it was a good idea..

Diagram to help the story..

Anything on Tv with a science type diagramy thingo always gets my vote you WIN +10 for the diagram... specifics people...detail!

Post #290

See idioits every day on the way to and from work. People that can't merge, ppl sitting in the right lane not doing the speed limit and/or getting out of the way when theres a car screaming up from behind. People on phones, People that indicate to come across so u slow down to give them enough room then proceed to give the finger and beep because they have no fucking judgement.

People in the left lane on Becketts rd at the Rode Rd roundabout deciding they want to turn right while on the roundabout. Wankers that slow right down to go around a corner then thnk that they are michael schumacher on the straight, People that see you indicate so they speed up to not let you in.. sorry bad news for anyone that does this... I will force my way in in that case. People who cut up the left lane on Frederic St / Jubilee Tce when its backed up all the way down the hill, People that can't read the fucking road signs on the Ipswich motorway where the new warrego exit is. Cars that hit the brakes for no reason at all while driving.. like WTF?, cars that do a million k an hour to try and get past and then slow down so you can't overtake the car that you're stuck behind or people that go to overtake but then decide to match your speed right in that blind spot on your corner.

I think i should stop. This is the drama of doing 160km a day just going to work and back.

Post #291

QUOTE (WizardHat @ Jul 18 2010, 10:29 PM) *
Who: P-plater in a white hilux.

Where: Discovery drive in Helensvale, I was turning left into Tanunda Dr & he was turning right into Tanunda Dr from the opposite lane of traffic.
Instead of waiting for me to take the corner he decided to just turn in at the same time as me, except using the right side of the road and then cutting me off.

Kinda wish he hit me TBH.. would've loved to know what the fuck he was thinking when he decided it was a good idea..

Diagram to help the story..


Post #292

White Mitsubishi Pajero @ Westfield Carindale @ 1:40 pm yesterday. Instead of following the blue lines, she takes the red direction through the round about. Proceeds to stop, and then reverses back and then follows the blue lines.

Post #293

WHAT: subaru liberty shitbox
Where: Redbank plains
Doing: being a complete fuckwit

Post #294

QUOTE (rolladrifta09 @ Jul 19 2010, 06:55 PM) *
WHAT: subaru liberty shitbox
Where: Redbank plains
Doing: being a complete fuckwit

was it white with dark tinted windows?

Post #295


older road bike with p plates, weaving around like a dick cutting people off. went across 2 lanes and solid white to come onto the off ramp and nearly hit me, not that i would care, he'd be the one that would get launched off his bike.

Post #296

QUOTE (crazy.mofo @ Jul 19 2010, 07:04 PM) *
was it white with dark tinted windows?

nope green

Post #297

Some dodge wagon,

Where Eungalla road

Was cruising in northern nsw about doing about 100km, went around a slight bend and i sore this car commpletley stopped with its ass on my side of the road an the nose on the wrong side of the road so i had to drift around him, was scary. lucky noone came on the other side at the time otherwise he woulda been fucked,
I think he almost lost it tho becouse about about 300m down the road there was this xr6 driving at like 20 km per hour an he mighta came up behind him an almost smashed into him, He was driving so slow, I was pissed off an revving it up behind him, an he let me passed, people are beyond stupid

Post #298

QUOTE (broadie_69 @ Jul 19 2010, 09:43 PM) *
Some dodge wagon,

Where Eungalla road

Was cruising in northern nsw about doing about 100km, went around a slight bend and i sore this car commpletley stopped with its ass on my side of the road an the nose on the wrong side of the road so i had to drift around him, was scary. lucky noone came on the other side at the time otherwise he woulda been fucked,
I think he almost lost it tho becouse about about 300m down the road there was this xr6 driving at like 20 km per hour an he mighta came up behind him an almost smashed into him, He was driving so slow, I was pissed off an revving it up behind him, an he let me passed, people are beyond stupid

Good thing you can drift so well else that situation might have been a lot worse!

Post #299

^^ hahaha - fully , most people would just brake and swerve accordingly but clearly a clutch kick + handbrake was required here to make this situation epic.

Post #300

to all the idiots out there that seem to think every road with houses on it is now 50km/h even as they drive past 60 or even 70 signs! Happens absolutely everyday on my way home from work. I assume they are driving these same roads everyday too, which makes it all the more incredible that they don't know what the speed limit is!!!

especially the wanker in the silver Mazda 6 yesterday who cut out in front of me from a sidestreet - I mean if you're going to jump in where there really wasn't room, at least then make a effort to get up to the speed limit FFS

Post #301

QUOTE (WizardHat @ Jul 18 2010, 10:29 PM) *
Who: P-plater in a white hilux.

Where: Discovery drive in Helensvale, I was turning left into Tanunda Dr & he was turning right into Tanunda Dr from the opposite lane of traffic.
Instead of waiting for me to take the corner he decided to just turn in at the same time as me, except using the right side of the road and then cutting me off.

Kinda wish he hit me TBH.. would've loved to know what the fuck he was thinking when he decided it was a good idea..

Diagram to help the story..

I know Tanunda Dr well, my olds only live a couple of streets away.. What a moron..

Post #302

QUOTE (broadie_69 @ Jul 19 2010, 09:43 PM) *
Some dodge wagon,

Where Eungalla road

Was cruising in northern nsw about doing about 100km, went around a slight bend and i sore this car commpletley stopped with its ass on my side of the road an the nose on the wrong side of the road so i had to drift around him, was scary. lucky noone came on the other side at the time otherwise he woulda been fucked,
I think he almost lost it tho becouse about about 300m down the road there was this xr6 driving at like 20 km per hour an he mighta came up behind him an almost smashed into him, He was driving so slow, I was pissed off an revving it up behind him, an he let me passed, people are beyond stupid

defs what i would of done its moments like this that are a kodak moment

peter t
Post #303

No wonder there is road rage the way you guys use not so good language on this site. Makes what what kind of people you are and how your parents bought you up. Ever thought you might not be perfect.

Post #304

QUOTE (peter t @ Jul 20 2010, 07:26 PM) *
No wonder there is road rage the way you guys use not so good language on this site. Makes what what kind of people you are and how your parents bought you up. Ever thought you might not be perfect.

fuck mate there is road rage because this state is full of dead shit fuck head drivers who dont know how the fuck do drive.....for starters this asian fuck today wanted to fight me because i got the shits with him for being on the wrong side of the road....and this fiji fuckhead next door to me wanted to fight me because i beeped him and told him to keep left going up our hill cause its a 1.5 lane road n u need to keep the fuck left.....

so if u think its got anything to do with how your brought up its fucken not....

fucken useless kunts that cant drive should be taken off the fucken road and their car crushed because they are putting peoples lives at not being a pussy, its the truth.

yes there is useless drivers and yes there is people who just have no fucking idea wat to do in a bad situation....thats got nothing to do with it....but the useless fuck head drives who drive like dickheads for fun should be locked up.....

Post #305

QUOTE (peter t @ Jul 20 2010, 07:26 PM) *
No wonder there is road rage the way you guys use not so good language on this site. Makes what what kind of people you are and how your parents bought you up. Ever thought you might not be perfect.

Post #306

funni kunt

Post #307

where: anywhere
i hate female drives that LIKE TO SPEED AND TAIL GATE. i dont know what is with them but, they love to speed and tail gate like shieettt fk aye they go atleast 20k over the speed limit

Post #308

the dickhead in the hilux around 2.10pm today in the right hand lane on the western freeway going under the speed limit. FFS learn to keep left unless overtaking.

oh and people that can't sit on a consistant speed like the stupid asian tonight in a white camry around 10.30pm coming onto the ippy motorway from granard rd. speeding up, hitting the brakes then speeding up hitting the brakes etc.

Post #309

QUOTE (edi25 @ Jul 21 2010, 02:21 AM) *
the dickhead in the hilux around 2.10pm today in the right hand lane on the western freeway going under the speed limit. FFS learn to keep left unless overtaking.

oh and people that can't sit on a consistant speed like the stupid asian tonight in a white camry around 10.30pm coming onto the ippy motorway from granard rd. speeding up, hitting the brakes then speeding up hitting the brakes etc.

Oh yeah I hate this, or when they brake for no reason when they are going the speed limit and nothing is in front of them.

The Senator
Post #310

QUOTE (peter t @ Jul 20 2010, 07:26 PM) *
No wonder there is road rage the way you guys use not so good language on this site. Makes what what kind of people you are and how your parents bought you up. Ever thought you might not be perfect.

Sounds like a pigger.....
let me tell you a few stories, maybe not..... :P

Post #311

The m1 going through springwood all the way down to the hyperdome. Of an afternoon its like a car park and alot of this is because of idiots in the left hand lane. As soon as they see some-one merging they jam on the brakes instead of leaving a gap so the car merging can just fit in and keep the momentem going.
Yesterday on the highway there was nearly a 5 car pile up right next to me cause the car just front in the right hand lane wasnt paying attention to people braking and realised at the last minute everyone in front had stopped so they had to jam on their brakes and everyone behind had to swerve in every direction to try and miss the car in front and nearly causing more damage to everyone beside and behind.

Simple when there is massive traffic chaos like that use your brain and keep atleast a car length behind and pay attention...

Post #312

who: all people who drive luxury/euro cars.
what: tihnking there above the law.
where: everywhere

so pissed off at euro luxury car drivers. today, on two lane highway, one each way. 100k speed limit, some guy in a new jag is sitting on 80k the entire way. then as it becomes a 60k zone, speeds up to 100k. like wtf? douche.

Post #313

QUOTE (cameron92 @ Jul 21 2010, 05:05 PM) *
who: all people who drive luxury/euro cars.
what: tihnking there above the law.
where: everywhere

so pissed off at euro luxury car drivers. today, on two lane highway, one each way. 100k speed limit, some guy in a new jag is sitting on 80k the entire way. then as it becomes a 60k zone, speeds up to 100k. like wtf? douche.

yeh he doesnt want to break it...probably his dads.....
fucken rich kunts

Post #314

all drivers in between browns and beaudesert.
insist on driving 20km/h under speed limit, then when it becomes overtaking lane they speed up to 20km/h over the limit to stop anyone trying to overtake!
Pick a speed and stick to it!

and drivers who speed up to block u as you have to merge! if there is a gap and someone has to merge, then let them, be curtious to other drivers!

Post #315

Ive had a browse previously through this section and see shit drivers every day on my way between jobs. but because i see so many, none really make the standout to list here...UNTIL NOW.
7.30pm tonight, along mains rd starting at about compton rd ways im presuming, all the way to market square intersection (im presuming as i heard him a mile away as i was pulling out of nandos at ccc). silver eg/ek civic, p plater (what a suprise). racing no one, redlining it every gear til 4th, weaving in and out of lanes, running red lights, with what im guessing was 1/2 a straight pipe dumping under the car.
Must of been in a hurry? or the more reasonable explanation: showing everyone how big a douche he is.

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