In Russia, We Don't Tolerate Terrorism, We Nuke Your Hoy Grail  

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  • VersionR
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Post #1 post 12th January 2014 - 07:31 AM

Do it Putin do it!

QUOTE (julio_vasquez @ Aug 16 2012, 11:30 AM) *
Dont buy a motard man, They are fun for quick commutes but a long ride they are shocking. Plus you willl just end up doing wheelies everywhere.

Post #2

I hope the place is packed.

Post #3

I think there would be a bit of a stink if they nuked the building portrayed in the link,as it has nothing to do with Mecca,and is in fact a mausoleum,built by
Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife in 1632-1653.Welcome to the Taj Mahal (I think it's been photo shopped,because half of those blokes would be under water)

Post #4

Nice work Shuffs, why persecute a religion, when it is probably like 5% off them are the Sharia Nutbags that should be gassed back to the stone age they want to live in

Post #5

80% of rapists in Sweden are Muslim, 75% inmates are Muslim, south London is completely off limits to anyone other than Muslim by sharia dec and the government won't do shit.
4 Muslims tried gang raping a chick in Liverpool Sydney 2 days ago.
Muslim brotherhood have infiltrated White House and secretly fund terrorism and Irans nuclear weapons dev.
Brotherhood is trying to take over Egypt and Syria, killing non Muslims in the way. They forcibly distract/ prevent legit voting by violence, lynch mobs, arson attacks, to scare legit voters away so they can vote in a Muslim leader in non Muslim countries like India.
Remember the Buddhists on the news fighting back? Media twists everything to say that the Muslims are victims. They're not, the are the antagonists and cry victim/ discrimination when the truth comes through.
All countries they are population majority of, are wartorn. They can't co exist with anyone, even themselves, their Koran teaches them that.
The ones that are quiet, are nearly as bad because they won't speak up or try to stop the radicals.
Some politicians are starting to see the stats and history, of Muslims using using democracy to destroy the west.
It's worse than 5%, and its going to get alot worse.

Post #6

That's a tiny fraction of the atrocities they've committed in the last 10 or so years. Feel free to look it up, instead of being gullible lefties

Post #7

So your saying WW3 will be the world VS the Muslims ?

Post #8

Kav, did you change your user name?

Post #9

I think is very easy to be led into the whole media potrayal of the evils of Islam, but that would ignor the historical atrocities that have been done in the name of "religion".

I have seen first hand in Sweden, the crowds of Muslim deadshits hanging around the city, most on welfare, carving out ghettos of shit, but the same can be said for the bogan tards of Western Sydney, Logan, D bay, Caboolture.

In that same country I met great guys working hard to assimilate, glad to be free and accepted, working 2 menial jobs to create a future free from those Sharia law nutbags, they were practicing Muslims, yet no need to live and be like some cave dwelling ape.

The Media will beat up whatever the flavour of the month is, but the mainstream Christian belief is sacred it seems. I cannot wait for someone to have the balls to expose the scam of making tax deductable donations to all these hillsong style churches, then having the church "provide" food vouchers, jobs for biggest donors wives, hardship mortgage payments, fuel vouchers, all in the name of christian good, just another form of money laundering.

I don't consider myself a gullible leftie, I am just very sceptical of what the media tries to portray, I watch where the money goes, that tells more of a story.

But don't get me wrong, if I felt threatened personally or my family from any groups, I would feel the need to demonstrate a superior knowledge of chemistry, ballistics, technology and physics to reduce that risk.

Post #10

QUOTE (vk134 @ Jan 15 2014, 07:33 PM) *
I think is very easy to be led into the whole media potrayal of the evils of Islam, but that would ignor the historical atrocities that have been done in the name of "religion".

I have seen first hand in Sweden, the crowds of Muslim deadshits hanging around the city, most on welfare, carving out ghettos of shit, but the same can be said for the bogan tards of Western Sydney, Logan, D bay, Caboolture.

In that same country I met great guys working hard to assimilate, glad to be free and accepted, working 2 menial jobs to create a future free from those Sharia law nutbags, they were practicing Muslims, yet no need to live and be like some cave dwelling ape.

The Media will beat up whatever the flavour of the month is, but the mainstream Christian belief is sacred it seems. I cannot wait for someone to have the balls to expose the scam of making tax deductable donations to all these hillsong style churches, then having the church "provide" food vouchers, jobs for biggest donors wives, hardship mortgage payments, fuel vouchers, all in the name of christian good, just another form of money laundering.

I don't consider myself a gullible leftie, I am just very sceptical of what the media tries to portray,
I watch where the money goes, that tells more of a story.

But don't get me wrong, if I felt threatened personally or my family from any groups, I would feel the need to demonstrate a superior knowledge of chemistry, ballistics, technology and physics to reduce that risk.

This!To me,it just becomes propaganda,when you take one of the eight wonders of the world (that is the grave of an Indian woman,and a well photographed structure) and photo shop a shit load of praying Muslims in front of it.
I can see the point you're trying to make,but when push comes to shove,I'd be more concerned about the Muslim population of one of our closest neighbors

Muslims make up a majority of the population in 49 countries around the world. The country with the largest number (about 209 million) is Indonesia, where 87.2% of the population identifies as Muslim.

Post #11

correct Shuffs, hence the little scuffles over natural gas and oil fields and the shot over the bow with the live export BS

Post #12

As I always say when people wonder why I don't mind our sucking up to the know the largest standing army of Muslims in the world has a history of wanting Australians dead...and is RIGHT OVER THERE.

Post #13

I find it funny how easily people believe that these "terrorists" and rapist etc are muslim. They may call them selves a muslim, but in actual fact by committing such acts they are not muslims. Feel free to do research on Islam like I have, you find that Islam teachers peace. The act of murder is so against Islam that in the Holy book (quran) it states that "killing an innocent person is equal to killing every human that has been created, that is alive and those to come in the future". Islam also states that you must live by the laws of your country and must respect your country. All these muslims saying "sharia law in Australia" they are so misguided as it goes against their own religion to say such things. Then you have the media... they just show all the bad. To prove it, Islamic law (sharia law) states that suicide bombing is not allowed in Islam... Damaging the environment during war is not allowed, so much so that using bombs is not allowed as it damages the environment... But you will never hear this on the news.

Post #14

QUOTE (wolfman101 @ Jan 16 2014, 10:11 PM) *
As I always say when people wonder why I don't mind our sucking up to the know the largest standing army of Muslims in the world has a history of wanting Australians dead...and is RIGHT OVER THERE.

There is no coincidence most of the joint military excersises are held in identified invasion points from Indonesia (a hypothetical enemy of course), none of our key comms cables make landfall in any Indonesian soil, Indonesian is the second language taught in Qld gov schools, we supply most of their meat, rice and wheat.

So yes we have to have the good old boys as bedfellows, but keep an eye on the growing relationship with China, I would never want to have them as an enemy

Post #15

QUOTE (mukky @ Jan 16 2014, 11:40 PM) *
I find it funny how easily people believe that these "terrorists" and rapist etc are muslim. They may call them selves a muslim, but in actual fact by committing such acts they are not muslims. Feel free to do research on Islam like I have, you find that Islam teachers peace. The act of murder is so against Islam that in the Holy book (quran) it states that "killing an innocent person is equal to killing every human that has been created, that is alive and those to come in the future". Islam also states that you must live by the laws of your country and must respect your country. All these muslims saying "sharia law in Australia" they are so misguided as it goes against their own religion to say such things. Then you have the media... they just show all the bad. To prove it, Islamic law (sharia law) states that suicide bombing is not allowed in Islam... Damaging the environment during war is not allowed, so much so that using bombs is not allowed as it damages the environment... But you will never hear this on the news.

"And KILL them (the unbelievers) wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.” (Sura 2, verse 191).

"Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully; and Allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to Allah is the eventual coming.” (Sura 3, verse 28).

"And whoever does not believe in Allah and His Apostle, then surely We have prepared burning fire for the unbelievers.” (Sura 48, verse 13).

"They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them (the unbelievers) friends until they flee (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and KILL them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.” (Sura 4, verse 89).

Ah, that religion of peace.

Post #16

Oh wolfie, stop throwing their own words back at them.......or it will be Allah Akbah for you

Oh did you see the nice bit of saber rattling Indo vs Oz re territorial waters........sorry Capt Mufasa, we have GPS, try again

Post #17

Yea, let us quote the kuran out of context because...
If you read the verse befor sura 2, verse 191 it states
"And fight in the Way of Allah those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allah likes not the transgressors."
What are these limits? these come about from Islamic law, which state that you are not allowed to kill innocent people, damage land, cut down trees, starve your enemies and the list goes on.

Now the last verse you quoted is also out of context. if you read the verse before it talks about hypocrites. which are people who say they are muslim but are saying that to create mischief. The hypocrites of today are those who claim terrorism is part of islam, those who kill innocents, they are the hypocrites... so Islam is teaching us to wage war on those people.... much like the US has, the Muslims should be joining to US to stop these terrorists...

But lets be a typical close minded person and google "islamic verses about killing" and than quote it out of context.

Post #18

Qurʼan or Koran, but I take it by your spelling you are of Iranian decent and you have had some terrible shit laid apon your people and believers, make it your mission to make us free thinking souls understand the misinterpretations.

Post #19

When is your country going to figure out that the rest of the world doesn't give 2 dicks about your Kuran ?
You need to take a good hard look at yourself and your family and understand how your country is effecting the rest of the world.

I mean if Australia was bombing other countries towers and killing people, I would do everything in my power to stop it.. Sure I'll probably be killed within the first 24hs but at least I did something.

Instead you sit here on a car forum trying to defend your religion..

Post #20

What is the punishment for apostasy Mukky? One word will do. You may draw both from the Qur'an and Hadith, I don't mind.
Disclaimer-as you may not be familiar with my Boost history-I think your religion is silly, but no more silly than all other religions.

Post #21

Thank you Wolfman, exactly what I was thinking and have for a while now.

Mukky, we're not taking anything out of context, the Koran recruits any and every weak minded, insecure sheep that will interpret the book as they see fit, throught force oranipulation, to do the filthy fcuked up desires in their minds (this book permits me rape, murder, plunder, pillage, inbreed etc) and the normal muslim people that actually do see it as religion of peace are, in being peaceful, non confrontational to the radicals which are growing rapidly in number. And as we've seen, if you're not one of them, you're a kafir and will be dealt with. Remember worldwide Muslim riots over the prophet cartoon? Who was Muslim and condemned that? Anyone condemn any bombings lately?

Deadset this whole ordeal is like watching Mars Attacks, where the Martians pretend to be friends to plus false trust in the humans while killing them off, and playing it all off as accidents.

Anyone heard of Taqqiya? Lying to gain advantage in the name of Islam. Permitted.

Someone said the world vs Muslims as if they're a minority still. Absolutely kidding yourself. They are a major threat to the western world on all fronts now. However the tide is changing, I think there will be a war, probably a combination of civil and military, the politicians are slowly opening their eyes (maybe there have been more that thought the same but were afraid of being removed from their seats), and the western attitude towards Muslims and their welfare extortion, rape, pedophilia, acid attacks,poor treatment of women, sharia etc is seen, and not liked at all.

There's only so much that will be tolerated. I'm not religious, I believe in a free mind and independent thought, however I'm interested in the prophecies that have happened so far and are yet to come.

Islamic alliteration, devout, deluded, dishonest, deceitful.

Post #22

Also, what do Muslims contribute to society with?
Do they study?
Do they develop infrastructure?
Do they build hospitals?
Do they integrate?
Do they teach anything outside of Islam?
Do they self develop/ educate?
Have they ever assisted humanity in moving forward?

Post #23

QUOTE (VersionR @ Jan 18 2014, 11:50 AM) *
Also, what do Muslims contribute to society with?
Do they study?
Do they develop infrastructure?
Do they build hospitals?

Do they integrate?
Do they teach anything outside of Islam?
Do they self develop/ educate?
Have they ever assisted humanity in moving forward?

As anti-religion as I am, I have to pull you up on those.

Historically Muslims have had a MASSIVE (positive) impact on education, science and maths. Islamic societies were by far the most developed in the world in the fields at various times throughout history. Ever wondered why it's called the Hindu-Arabic numerical system?
It's only since we pulled through the dark ages that Islam, like all religions, has been the enemy of progress.

Post #24

Historically/ dark ages = >500 years ago

Post #25

Do muslims integrate... Yes they do, I know so many that when you look at them you would think they are an average australian, they go out to shop, they go to cinemas, they are in the car scene. The only difference is that they pray and believe in a prophet.

Do they teach anything our of Islam... During my primary and secondary education in Australia I have had quite a few Muslim teachers in PUBLIC schools, I must admit they were good teachers too.

Have they assisted humanity in moving forward... I know countless muslim charitable foundations that deliver food and supplies to numerous third world countries.

Yes I know, radical Muslims are growing. This doesn't just affect the "western world" it also affects the average, normal, peaceful muslim. It affects them as they get treated like "radicals" and are subject to prejudice.

I for one, respect every religion. In the free country we live in, Australia, I respect every person, no matter what nationality or what religion they follow. Every group of people have a few that are extreme but that doesn't mean they all are and they don't all deserved to be treated as such

Post #26

I respect everyone's right to freedom of religion. I don't respect any religion.

Post #27

QUOTE (wolfman101 @ Jan 18 2014, 09:47 PM) *
I respect everyone's right to freedom of religion. I don't respect any religion.


I look forward to the day that quoting religious beliefs forms a part of mental health assessments.

Post #28

QUOTE (mukky @ Jan 18 2014, 08:46 PM) *
Have they assisted humanity in moving forward... I know countless muslim charitable foundations that deliver food and supplies to numerous third world countries.

Countless ? Are you sure. The only ones I can find are the ones helping other Muslim's dunno.gif

Why can't you guys be more like the Fun loving Hippy Buddhists sad.gif

Post #29

Even Buddhists are fighting back against muslims

Post #30

Everyone is, and it all began due to 9/11... which has officially been declared an inside job... so why don't we all go declare war on the USA? oh wait, that's right because Muslims are the only terrorists in the world *sarcasm*

Post #31

QUOTE (mukky @ Jan 19 2014, 09:40 PM) *
Everyone is, and it all began due to 9/11... which has officially been declared an inside job... so why don't we all go declare war on the USA? oh wait, that's right because Muslims are the only terrorists in the world *sarcasm*<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="468" width="625" data=""><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain"><param name="quality" value="best"><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"><param name="scale" value="noScale"><param name="salign" value="TL"><param name="FlashVars" value="playerMode=embedded" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/></object>

A Twoofer!
Kav! it IS you! I knew it. Oh how I've missed you...

Post #32

Officially declared an inside job? Wtf?

Post #33

But it's official, man.

Post #34

Mcleod, it must be true, I read in on the interwebs............

"If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people"

Post #35

QUOTE (mukky @ Jan 19 2014, 09:40 PM) *
Everyone is, and it all began due to 9/11... which has officially been declared an inside job...

no wonder i don't frequent this place much

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