New place to meet!!  

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Post #36

YEAH Mabe, I went past the other nite, but i didnt see anywhere obvious where people would park apart from the street, am i missing anything, mabe a carpark?? PM me with the info and i'll let the others know. THANKX. :wink:

Post #37

Hey all ... just wanted to know where everyone is crusin to this thursday night local spots have been pretty small .. so someone please let me know..

Toyota hilux

18" chromies

tooooo low :wink:

Post #38


Post #39

there should be sum carparks behind the palm trees either side of the street.

Post #40

can u plz "pm" me the place too........will be coming out thurs

Swift GTi Turbo (15psi) = no traction

Post #41

I think the trick with "new" spots to cruise to is to keep them to yourselves, or at least within your little group of mates. This way it remains close-knit and you don't get some knob end who is a friend of your brothers little cousins mate who turns up with a VK wagon full of skin heads and attempts to break traction. There are definitely a lot of spooners on the scene lately who seem to wonder why they get in trouble when they drive like cocks. Its pretty simple, if you drive like a retarded fetus, you're going to get in trouble. Same as if you drive a defective car, you're going to get defected somewhere down the line.

So if you keep these places to yourself and are always on the lookout, by the time the rest of the spooners cotton on to your fulsik hideout, you will have found another spot to go and pillage. Happy driving, you fucking morons

Post #42

I think I'll go buy a bently just to go do stupid stuff in. Get over the commodore thing, I finding these days the little turboed cars are the ones creating the probs, bogans are moving on to lower end jap cars, face it.

And I still think that spot was an old meeting spot. Dont quote me tho, because I have never been there.

Post #43

is anyone up for coming to the new place this thurs??

Post #44

i would like to know mate.

Post #45

TEH GHEY!!!!!!!111111

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