Looking for
Utes for sale? Search from thousands of ute sales on BoostCruising, whether you're after a tough
Courier, or even a mad
HSV Ute, take a look here for a bargain from private sellers throughout Australia.
Over a million Aussies have used our
car sales website to sell or buy their vehicle, and that number is rapidly rising. Becoming our next satisfied car owner is as simple as browsing through our postings, finding your perfect four-wheeled match, and sealing the deal with the vehicle's seller.
Too many great options to choose from? Not a problem. Click the 'save' button on ads that catch your eye and compare them side by side in the 'My Favourite Ads' section.
Start by clicking your location, then choose your ideal make and model. If you refuse to drive anything but a Holden or have been a loyal Toyota customer all your life, for example, search specifically for your brand. If you need a particular body, such as a sedan, wagon, ute or 4x4 off-roader, be sure to select this from the menu.
You can also refine your results further by nominating your desired transmission type, year of manufacture, number of kilometres driven and price range. Whatever specifications you want in your car, you'll have no trouble finding the right deal on BoostCruising.
So what are you waiting for? Get searching! Your dream Ute may only be a few listings away.